New CAC Announced

New CAC has been announced, here’s a brief Bio for those not in LASER:


Have we ever had someone “internal” promoted to this role before? I can’t remember it. Could be great.

Good luck, you’ve got one hell of a job on your hands!


Not really surprising considering they’ve been advertising his role for a month or so. But good luck to him.

I think this could be the difference because theyre as close to the coal face as you would get in that role


But he had already stated he was standing down as RC LASER, so this looks like an extension to service role.

Internal promotion could be a massive win - no need to spend ages learning the organisation. No doubt he’ll get some slack for dealing with the same long-term problems Tony has tried to deal with, but that’s inevitable really.

That said, hopefully he reads ACC and learns from the mistakes of Tony :wink:


He does get out and about in the Region visiting squadrons and not just sitting in the ivory towers, hopefully that doesn’t change too much, so he can keep his finger on the pulse.


All the best to him. Wouldn’t have been my first choice from the rumoured applicants, but certainly not the last choice either.

What he’s done with the LaSER paid staff has worked really well, and getting it to work nationally will be great if possible.

He’s got a lot of work to do, that’s good sure.


I wonder how many parade nights Tony has visited in his time? I’d guess single figures


Was fortunate enough to meet him last week, he was very hopeful that he was going to be selected as CAC, and came off as genuinely very passionate about the Air Cadets and what it gives us cadets. He was open to questions of varying degrees of politeness from cadets, and then from staff there as well and answered them all very honestly. I do trust that his command will do a lot of good for the RAFAC.


I don’t ever remember it, hopefully it will be a win, what we have been doing for the past 80 years clearly stopped working around 14 years ago or so. Good on the organisation for trying something different.

That’s always going to be a balancing act, Dawn was the opposite, certainly in her first 4 years where she turned up to everything she was invited to. While it’s nice to see people out there they have a job to do Monday to Friday 9-5.


I remember one going the other way - Cp Capt Ford. He was CAC, then became CE Region Commendant. He did my commissioning interview.


I know Jon very well. :+1:



Someone who has been in the trenches as long as him getting the top job is a good move in my book; the higher levels being in touch with the troops has been missing for a long time.

Straight on for the road to normailty…


I remember him telling a story that whilst CAC he directed each region should merge a wing.

When it came to handover on him becoming RC C&E he asked what wings the out going RC had decided to merge he got the response “I was going to leave that decision to you”


I remember those mergers, West Essex Wing are still complaining :rofl:


Affected three Wings in the Region I was in at the time, with boundary changes, formed 2 Wings out of the ashes.

I’m pretty sure that I have crossed paths with Al Lewis back during my engineering days; I certainly dealt with the HS125 EA over a lengthy period… I just can’t remember what he was like.

Nice to see the comments on the Facebook post announcing it, seems like he’s well liked, maybe he’ll join us here or is already lurking, good change in comms too. Maybe things aren’t so bad after all?

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