New Air Cadet website launched

16 posts were merged into an existing topic: Squadron Badges

Showing those units would also help CFAV recruitment


It’s perfectly fine for HQ to set & moderate standards & put the onus to comply in squadrons. Squadrons do have to take some responsibility & not be spoon feed by HQ all the time.

I know that there is the need to “reduce the admin burden & take the pressure off the OCs” but the OCs need to have some admin responsibility. Often though the balance is skewed by adding burden that should be done by the paid staff but taking responsibility away for areas that it’s perfectly reasonable for an OC to be expected to do.

From a HQ perspective live the website needs to be a general overview & talks about the national picture & note get bogged down in the fine detail that really squadrons should do.

One thing that I can’t spot & think would be useful would be a “benefits of cadets” to the wider society & to business. I had a recruiter tell me once that they always put ex cadets to the top of the pile because they knew how to do work, follow instructions & had a bit of professionalism about them.

A page on benefits in the workplace would probably help see the big sponsorship & parents ‘ provides that strategic national input that wouldn’t work as well coming from squadrons.


So which OC’s have had emails about the new National Website Recruitment Enquiries system?
Seems the new website sends encrypted pdf’s and, because WHQ’s work on MODNET, WHQ’s can’t forward the pdf’s onto sqn’s so the new pdf’s will get send direct to OC’s and squadron multi-user accounts.
Influence Hub - Update on cadet recruitment enquires via National RAFAC website


Yep, seen here.

“This information has also been emailed to Wing HQs and also OC at all Squadron on Friday 17 March 2023.”

Maybe im not on that distribution list… :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

Havent heard jot about any of this.

Didn’t get an All OCs notification but WHQ did send something out to All OCs Sqns.wing yesterday.

Sending expressions of interests straight to sqns should improve response time, but would suggest WHQs are still copied in though (for local knowledge about units on stand down whilst system catches up with official closures).

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Nope, nothing seen as an OC.

our WHQ sent this out during the week all recruit emails to the OC and general accounts from now on

Trickle down comms strike again :man_facepalming:


Where’s the media team on this :man_shrugging:t2:

How many CFAVs have been pulled away to ‘work’ for HQAC and we get delivered nothing or the information is delayed !!

My wing hadn’t even realised there was a new website!

How can we help?

I think about four of us are primary HQ, of which most have secondary roles on Wings/Units.

This was sent directly using the OC mailgroup, so wasn’t meant to be passed via CoC. The media mailgroup worked, and i’ve seen the OC one as was copied in, so trying to figure out why it’s not been received. (It’s been sent from a Modnet and a RAFAC address now, including the influence mailbox this morning.)

Still nothing received.

Have you checked the membership of the distributon group?

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Also not seen. Last I had was triple spam about Coronation tomfoolery a week ago.

I heard when WExO emailed out to us.

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I stand by this and cannot overstate the sentiment.


Wasn’t that Announcement Alerts from SharePoint?

I’m an OC and haven’t had anything, so either the mail group isn’t right or there is an issue with it being sent.

Yeah, it’s the right group.

Bader are looking into it. They said one of the attempts was blocked and they’ve released it, so they’re saying one about an hour ago should have arrived,. Has it?

What I’m worried about is trying to send again from my account and then you all get it four times. so @Giminion gets quadruple spam.