National Townhalls

Really pleased to see that the recording has been turned around so quickly:

As people have already said, the agenda and key slides should be available in advance and an ability to submit questions in advance. These should be on something like Slido and then the questions with the most upvotes get covered, rather than a pot luck situation with the chat. This would also allow time for answers to those most popular questions to be prepared.


This is a great idea with the questions! Would also allow AOB to be covered on the basis of what people most want to know too.

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Agree, but is this realistically achievable, given that we know the HQ is extremely short staffed? There needs to be a balance, otherwise they will spend all of their time briefing us and answering questions, rather than fixing the problems in the first place!

Shouldn’t really take more effort than the meeting itself? Currently stuff is published after, change to do it before?


But my point is whether or not it’s before or after, it’s still extra work for an allegedly already hard pressed HQ. What aren’t they able to do as a result of now having to this?

Well, I suppose the idea here is to reduce the number of FOIs by being more transparent. This work that’s being done to support the townhalls should then reduce a wider workload of people.doing FOI stuff.

That’s the theory at least!


I hope so, but having seen some of the FOI requests, not convinced some of the individuals will stop!

Im not being funny, but if HQ are wasting time on topics nobody wants to hear about, then that is a waste of resources of an already short staffed HQ.

If they are not addressing the questions that most people want answers to then the emails and FOIs are not going to stop. (That isnt a threat lol!).

HQ need to bite the bullet and answer the questions that people want answering. Even if that is CFAVs asking how the admin burden is improving or what about the cadet experience is going to draw new cadets in.


I agree! Maybe im just more of an optimist, but “were in the early stages” and a working group is being put together… for example were things that sound like maybe Sqn Ldr Coupeland was jumping the gun and sharing his thoughts rather than what had actually been agreed!! Baring in mind he used to run ACLC… seems all too convenient that the review he was running has suggested pretty much ACLC!
Bring on the new commandant now! We’ll see what direction HE wants to take the organisation in

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This applies to volunteers too, so just going to leave this here…

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Of those 12 I think the only one most of us feel regularly is challenged…


So good news : another town hall
Good news : shooting & fieldcraft
Bad news : same night as last week so knackers from a parade night aspect.

Worse news :- Two days notice ahead of what is a common intake/new recruit night :frowning:

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It’s only bad news of you parade on a Wednesday, and yes this time of year is typically a big recruitment time. :person_shrugging:

Last one was a Wednesday so why not move to Tuesday.

But only two days notice @ 21:30 means those that do Monday & Wednesday can’t adapt quickly enough to permit attendance.


To be fair to them, this is a game they’ll never win.

They also have lives outside of work.


There will always be people who it doesn’t work & I get that but less than 48 hrs notice is discourteous


…but unless you are a Walty Ninja these areas are FUBAR - so might be worth a chortle to listen to the playback with a frothy one over the weekend

Agreed & it’s now balkanised into factions, roughly as I see it (with a bit of tongue in cheek :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

Target shooters - sport/civilian, high level comps ISCRM, can be bullet polishers

Service rifle - CISSIM, only interested in SR, basically the “more dakka” camp

Bushcraft survivalist - into the fieldcraft, not bothered by blank firing, effectively aggressive scouting. trends towards the Ray Mears world.

RAF Regiment cadets - want everything to be real because they are real. Want to do army stuff without being in the army cadets.

All four groups want guns but in different ways & for different reasons & the ebb & flow of the politics is why things have gone a bit FUBAR.


2 day’s notice is poor form even if yours isn’t a unit that meets on the night that it has been called.

Wednesday is commonly a meeting night for sports clubs too, as well as other social events. I wonder how many potential attendees already have something booked on for the night?

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