National Townhalls

Who wrote the speech?

Can’t get in, aparently I don’t have access to the event despite using the link sent…

Not helping with the impression of bad comms from centre…

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Are you logged into your RAFAC account in the browser as well as in Teams?

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Just through my browser

Should work in the browser even so if you open the link there. Odd.

“Confidence in the new teams is good”…

By who?

No proper Teams invite which means a lot of people struggled to get on, they “moderated” questions (so some didn’t really make it through) and why does the comdt insist on calling his staff rank and 1st name!


Im going to start calling you by your first name going forwards

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Well. It was insightful. Largely HQAC on transmit mode.

I don’t think comparisons with the Scouting organisation and Great Orme was at all helpful - they have a completely different structure, setup and assurance process! It was good to see some comments calling that out.

Whilst, I do understand the concern - and frustration - that squadrons are doing activities “off grid” - increasing regulation, increasing assurance and cranking up pressure on “checks” doesn’t actually fix that issue!!

It was disappointing to hear Commandant appearing apportion blame for Comms failure (and subsequent increase of FoIs) at the door of the Volunteer CoC. Maybe he was just being clumsy with his words…

It will be interesting to see the follow-up, both in terms of the next townhall, but also the questions which were asked but not addressed in the meeting - whether these get responses in the weekly Comms, or form themes for discussion at future townhall events.


I think its a start of something good though lets wait and see how it carries on


No problem Warrant Officer Alex :crazy_face:

To add context to this, I don’t view it necessarily as a bad thing. We’ve got a single source of truth to work with. Not RC, CoS, Wgs interpretation of the truth. But raw, I filtered truth. And a far better way, more effective and - dare I say - human (!) way of getting those messages out.


It’s an Army thing, though “Major John” and “Colonel Tim” works much better than with RAF ranks.


Or Bowie songs?


You beat me to it!

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Well you are far more optimistic than I am.

I thought it was a terribly delivered session which seemed to only address the easy questions.

No enthusiasm from HQ staff.

It was a session of violin playing for HQAC and very little mention of how they are going to improve things for cadets and volunteers.

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Surely you’d aim to rattle off as many responses as possible?

10-15 mins each for a thorough comms push?

What was actually covered in the hour?

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Some of the more probing questions (which were liked by most volunteers) were not addressed.

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Pre-scripted, a small nod to us down at the sharp end, then a “this is what we’re doing outside of the glaringly obvious”…

Yes, the flying and O18 is nice to hear about, but what about the here and now? Aspirations of flying 20k cadets is pointless at the moment; we need the present dealt with…

Risks the opposite effect.

It’s the second (national) one ever with 9 months of stuff to catch up on. I don’t think it’s too much of a surprise that there wasn’t too much back and forward and it was almost all scripted transmission.


As we get further into it we will hopefully see more detail across a broader range, perhaps with better/larger QnA portions.

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