There’s an apparently large muster in just over two months’ time, seemingly covering three regions, and it appears that the vast majority of us have only just learnt about it as a result of an email which is seeking FA cover for it, on the assumed basis that everyone is well aware of it.
So, let’s have another muster thread to cover the process! Which is clearly off to a great start!
Now, let’s be clear, we aren’t going to discuss the exact date in advance, or the location, it’s a basic security precaution for an event of this nature, and if anyone does do so. Please report it so we can remove such references.
Also, looks like there’s maybe two musters? I see HIOW have something on Sharepoint that mentions June, but there is a LaSER eRCI-011 application for May. Both the same station. (I won’t give exact date or location…)
Yep. Another email from someone telling me I’m aware of it. Now claiming over 2k cadets will attend and fly and take part in “many, many activities” provided by both the RAF and RAFAC.
Shame the budget wouldnt allow for SNI to be involved… Nothing like that up here since 2-3 years pre covid. Shame really, when you look at how varied oppurtunities are