Hi i was wondering is there any funding help that can be offered to a cadet to purchase MTPs and boots. We have a very a small cadet amd have nothing in our stores that will fit him and i know that financially the family cant afford to purchase them. Also finding 2nd hand sizes very difficult due to his small measurements. So wondered if there was anyway we can help them or even if anybody on here could help with MTPs for him would be great.
Do you have an ACF unit nearby? Or a CCF? Asking nicely and offering biscuits can work
A family’s financial situation should never be a barrier to accessing cadet activities. That’s why we have CWCs and the Air Cadet Charity.
That’s what we usually do when we have small cadets, it’s easier just to buy it for them. You might have to look at kids clothes type stuff though.
CivComm grant?
CWC or the unit helping the family out is the way forward.
I’ve seen some 12 year olds in child like kit that isn’t far off the issue stuff. Needs must and better than just wearing jeans.
I’m sure your Civ Com should be able to assist. Do they have a hardship fund? We have a small amount set aside for hardship
There are some newer smaller sizes (150cm jackets) being issued now but tracking them down might be hard, as they mightn’t have made it through MOD Disposal yet.
Cadet Direct have a range of “youth” sizes, not the cheapest but not unreasonable for new.
Helikon-Tex made a small sizes range (under licence for the MOD IIRC) - I think this is/was the range sold through Cadet Kit Shop:
Worth a look on eBay too.
For off brand I’d say that Highlander or Viper is closer to MTP than some of the others.
We dont really have any money and our civcom is hangjng by a thread at the moment until we get more volunteers. In terms if it came down to the air cadet charity is that an application we would make on behalf of the cadet or cadet directly?
hmm there is a small acf never thought about them and i do know the CO there so i will drop in by them and see if can help.
What size boots?
He is a size 4.
If the sqn Civ Comm are unable, you could always ask the wing?
Also, have you asked nearby units if they have any stock?
Nearby ACF units too?
If you wanted to message me, with your region/wing, i might be near you, and can raid my stores.
Also, have you considered larger items, and having them tailored to suit?
For some reason I can’t direct message you in here. Can you message me as we may be able to help.
The tank museum sells small MTP sizes, although they’re obviously fake they’re the cheapest and best we’ve found.
Also if the OP knows someone who is a Friend of the museum there is a discount on top.
I’ve not been there for a while but the R Sigs museum in Blandford also had a well stocked shop with good prices.
It is on the base so worth calling ahead to ask.
You can ask, but I doubt they will. We rarely stock boots, and size 4 is a very small size.
I may be able to help with a pair of brown boots but I won’t be in the office until Monday. Drop me a PM early Monday morning to remind me to have a look. If you get a better offer then great.
Be careful of none official MTP if they intend to use it to go flying. It’s a big no no as the material used cannot be ratified as providing any form of fire protection.