Also: is it true that the existing new MTP uniform style is genuinely being replaced by a version that reverts back to the cut/style of CS95 shirt/jackets? Or was that just inaccurate information from a usually-reliable source?
That looks like a commercial clone to me. I’ve only seen blue braid (backed and unbacked) and issued broad sandy bars on MTP backing around on my home station.
WRT the very latest MTP shirts, the one that I have seen (not from the front) appeared to have a vent across the back between the shoulders and the elbow pads were a thickened area of fabric with ‘grip dots’.
Also: is it true that the existing new MTP uniform style is genuinely being replaced by a version that reverts back to the cut/style of CS95 shirt/jackets?
For the last time, no![/quote]
Also: is it true that the existing new MTP uniform style is genuinely being replaced by a version that reverts back to the cut/style of CS95 shirt/jackets?
For the last time, no![/quote]
Not entirely accurate.[/quote]
I best tell the defence clothing team that they are making it then…
The shirt and smock have both been updated, but there are no plans to revert to a CS95 style shirt. There is a long term goal to do away with the two PCS shirt versions (temperate and warm weather) and only issue the one - the warm weather type.
On a different note but still with the MTP topic.
I have had a cadet return from annual camp and whilst there he was told by the RAF that he would be allowed yo wear MTP as that was all he had but that he should be really wearing DPM, also that when everyone is out of Afghan that it is being done away with.
Now, MTP is in AP1358c but are there really plans to replace it ?
indeed, whatever cretin said that is either incredibly ill-informed/thick as pig-poo, or just trying to get a rise out of a child. big man…
MTP, a) can be worn by ACO cadets, and b) is not going to be replaced by anything within the service life of anyone who has reached puberty.
perhaps our RAF chap was so far down the food chain that he’s not been issued MTP yet, is still walking about in pre-1968 battledress and got jealous - perhaps he saw a way to look like the big boys?
There still seems to be a degree of confusion in some quarters. ACLO admin instructions for our annual camp this year specifically forbade cadets and ACO staff from wearing MTP-PCS.
“The new military Personal Clothing System (PCS) or PCS-style is not to be worn by cadets, or by staff who have not been formally issued with it by the RAF.”
[quote=“Mike Bravo” post=20354]There still seems to be a degree of confusion in some quarters. ACLO admin instructions for our annual camp this year specifically forbade cadets and ACO staff from wearing MTP-PCS.
“The new military Personal Clothing System (PCS) or PCS-style is not to be worn by cadets, or by staff who have not been formally issued with it by the RAF.”
[quote=“Mike Bravo” post=20354]“The new military Personal Clothing System (PCS) or PCS-style is not to be worn by cadets, or by staff who have not been formally issued with it by the RAF.”
OK, lets look at it another way.
MTP: ACO not scaled for or issued MTP from service sources = (according to the RAF), ACO cannot wear it.
DPM: ACO not scaled for or issued CS95 from service sources = (by the same logic), ACO cannot wear it.
Just what [I]would[/I] they expect us to wear?
Either way, the fact remains that AP1358C clearly states that MTP can be worn. Someone who breaks wind in the corridors of the mighty may wish to point this out to the wider RAF?
Talking about field dress in general for us - at the moment a few cadets have already bought MTP although the majority wear DPM.
If your on an outdoor range for example and the dress order is no.3’s and a cadet turns up in MTP - you really tell them off for doing so because officially we make our own arrangements for greens.
So as I see it we will be seeing cadets in both MTP & DPM for the next 2-3 years, until the commercial supply of DPM dries up - at which point I think we will be buying off the back to disposal contracts that the MoD awards (grade 1 stuff basically).
Does anybody know anything about ATC sqn’s buying uniform that we’re not scaled for? - Ive seen a post on here with an entire sqn in MTP PCS that the sqn bought out of sqn funds (I’m assuming this is how they have gone about that) - hopefully they weren’t stupid enough to buy it all off cadet direct!
There are plenty of Wings with local orders in place at the moment stating that cadets can’t wear MTP.
In our Wing they are allowed to wear in at Squadron activities but on any event where 2 Squadrons are involved they can’t. The apparent logic being that there is she’d loads of CS95 available within the wing for free and that they don’t want cadets spending hard earned cash on stuff that we are issuing for free. (There is also apparently a concern about have’s and have not’s since some of our units are in deprived areas).
Interestingly ATF are telling people that the RAF is going back to CS95 style MTP.