MTP-PCS - how soon will you be adopting it? - conclusions on the voting now available (page 4)

You have to accept a certain amount of non-uniformity when new clothing is released for wear. I don’t see what the huge problem is. It isn’t like you are going on a ceremonial parade with half in DPM and half in MTP, which is a distinct possibility for us this November!

I fully agree with your sentiments Talon, uniformity cannot be guaranteed for some time; unfortunately, we appear to have several within the ACO who do not fully understand that!


Can we convert these comments/discussion points to the other thread?

i started the poll to see the numbers, not for a seperate, parallel discussion…

I could try, but what’s the problem with them where they are?

[quote=“MattB” post=11962]It will be one of two things:

  1. If my CS95 finally gets too shabby then I might buy some

or much more likely:

  1. When a tame SI acquires me a new set.[/quote]

awww MattB just think when you start wearing MTP you’ll have ato change your avatars uniform aswell

If you’re in the situation where you’re buying your own kit, if I was in your shoes (spending my own money) I’d be buying MTP - why buy something which is obsolete and will, within a few years, probably be in the minority. Conversely, if I’d bought myself CS95 at some point I wouldn’t be rushing to spend on MTP…

However, the change from good old DPM to MTP is far different to anything in living memory, and Wings, Regions and HQ at Cranwell will need to appreciate that. Realistically “uniformity” isn’t achievable, so they either throw money at the issue (things such as Nijmegen and the Britmil “enforced” uniformity, mentioned in the other thread), or accept it for a few years.

As for Sqn OCs not letting their staff wear their own MTP, IMHO, they’re being short-sighted and possibly quite selfish. Both are British uniforms, so the everyday mixed dress should be no issue. Individuals should not of course mix DPM CS95 and MTP, but different personnel wearing different kit is irrelevant; it still happens in the regular service! :slight_smile:

[quote=“kahlenda” post=12062][quote=“MattB” post=11962]It will be one of two things:

  1. If my CS95 finally gets too shabby then I might buy some

or much more likely:

  1. When a tame SI acquires me a new set.[/quote]

awww MattB just think when you start wearing MTP you’ll have ato change your avatars uniform aswell[/quote]Good point, far too much work!

Indeed. Nor is it necessary in most situations. I wish more people understood this.

Not your CO’s call - that discretion was removed in AP1358c sometime ago

well we currently have two threads on the same subject which i tried to avoid. the comments in this thread would not be out of place in the main MTP thread

Non-uniform uniform is de rigeur.
I’ve got staff and cadets in roundneck and v-neck jumpers, I won’t give up my old style N°2 trousers until they fall apart as the new lightweight ones are crap. Oh and the different colours of working and wedgewood do nothing for uniformity as do the different styles of shoes cadets wear. The shoes are black and that’s about it.
So cadets wearing one sort of DPM over another is small fry. The only people to get excited about it are those with far too much time on their hands and not a clue about the cadet forces. If they want us all to wear the same; scale us and issue it … simples. While it comes down to private purchase and the time honoured scrounging it will take as long as it takes, not our problem.


I’m far more interested in HOW cadets wear their uniform than in WHAT they wear.

Quite right.
If it’s good enough for the RAF then it should be good enough for us.

So long as they’re wearing an authorised and appropriate mode of uniform, and they’re wearing it correctly then that’s just fine.

When its issued I’ll wear it. Certainly NOT buying

How did you get your DPM then? That’s not issued…

If blueforyou is like me, then they dont wear DPM.

If it was a requirement for VR(T)s like me then it would be issued, but as it isnt so be it.

Such a shame if it means I miss out on early morning shooting and cold and wet crawling around in the field activies!

[quote=“bigmalcmk” post=12311]If blueforyou is like me, then they dont wear DPM.

If it was a requirement for VR(T)s like me then it would be issued, but as it isnt so be it.

Such a shame if it means I miss out on early morning shooting and cold and wet crawling around in the field activies![/quote]

So what do you wear when the Cadets are wearing it?? if they have to fork out for it so sould staff.

I am a firm beliver that if cadets have to wear something dont mattaer if its greens or wedgewoods with a tie so should the staff

[quote=“zinggy” post=12312][quote=“bigmalcmk” post=12311]If blueforyou is like me, then they dont wear DPM.

If it was a requirement for VR(T)s like me then it would be issued, but as it isnt so be it.

Such a shame if it means I miss out on early morning shooting and cold and wet crawling around in the field activies![/quote]

So what do you wear when the Cadets are wearing it?? if they have to fork out for it so sould staff.

I am a firm beliver that if cadets have to wear something dont mattaer if its greens or wedgewoods with a tie so should the staff[/quote]

Here here.

I prefer Blues over camo BUT I wear DPM as and when required…

I have been given a set of MTP kit ( Smock, LWT Jacket with Velcro, Shirt- plain & trousers)I prefer DPM to MTP in terms of smartness

I may need a bigger ACO Wardrobe


[quote=“ddr61” post=12323]I prefer DPM to MTP in terms of smartness

Maybe I’m the weird one, but I just don’t get this… what makes one arrangement of earth toned blobs smarter than another arrangement of earth toned blobs?

Anyway, as I said somewhere else, I for one will be sticking to Battle Dress, thank you. Quick question, does 37 Pattern webbing need to be blancoed for the range or just SAA lessons?