MTP Barracks Uniform Question

Geetings, in my squadron there is a debate between the NCO’s about my MTP Barracks Uniform whether it should be ironed to be having creases like No2 and treat it as a CS95 MTP uniform or just not having the creases for it. I have checked in ACP 1358 yet from what I have found did not state anythng about having creases. Cheers!


Yes, creases in the sleeves. Not in MTP trousers though.


I was told no with CS95. No straight lines in nature. Army do creates, Air force don’t.

Never seen a barracks in the woods though!

Will also add that the barracks shirt isn’t scaled for the RAF and we’re only allowed to use it as it’s private purchase and could be bought in perfectly good faith. There’s no hard and fast rules but everyone I know who’s sported one (myself shamefully included) has put creases in the sleeves

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Context is key. All the talk about “no straight lines in nature” applies when wearing combat uniform in the field which, for most people, is different rig to what they’d wear in the classroom or around barracks. In the latter settings, it’s a uniform and should be maintained as such.


Fair enough. I’ve always been taught crease free.
Everyone with one in work wears no creases.


I think if the enemy can spot the creases in your uniform then not even camouflage will help you :stuck_out_tongue:

I tend to go with yes to creases in CS95 (DPM or MTP) and no to creases in PCS MTP.

I’m going no, simply because ironing - particularly hot ironing - fades MTP, and given that this stuff isn’t free, turning it from ‘good’ into ‘bad’ should be actively discouraged.

IMV it should not be ironed: if you’re sufficiently far away that you can’t tell if it’s ironed them it doesn’t matter that it’s not, and if your close enough to see whether it’s ironed or not you should be concentrating on what your doing - planning, teaching, weapons/kit maintainance - and not worrying about whether it’s ironed or not.

My Sqn wears MTP most parade nights from Easter to October - we have a large outside, grassed space where we do our maintenance, cleaning, training, lectures, first aid training, map reading etc… the cadets wear MTP trousers, boots, and green t-shirts.

Firstly it doesn’t matter if they get a bit dirty, secondly only about half our cadets have got a full set of blue uniform…


If you want to follow ACP1358 strictly, this is what it says. Page 55, 0226 for CS95. Page 57, 0228 for PCS-MTP.

Ironically, AP 1358 doesn’t include the clauses about ironing PCS flat: someone from the ACO added it.

Why is it ironic when the shirt isn’t scaled of issued for the RAF? Never mind that it is frequently worn by RAF personel regardless; I see them with creases ironed as per crumpled soldier 9til5.

Maybe ironic isn’t the word, but someone at HQAC inserted a load of words about not ironing creases into PCS that aren’t in the original AP.

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Surely, common.sense should dictate that you dont iron creases in MTP clothing. I say hang the shirt and trousers when not use but ironing creases into them seems a bit all too over the top. The problem is there are too many contradictions and not enough common sense. Its cadets, not the Kings Colour Sqn…

I think you raised a fair point there likely without realising.

If MTP isn’t meant to be creased why would the KCS?

Its the same kit worn by the entire force, there should be 1 way of wearing it without the madness that is local orders.

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Whether you agree with the requirements or not, they’re really not complicated.

Having the same rule for all greens would make things simpler, but it wouldn’t avoid “local orders”. We see it with things which are way more straightforward than this. These people are already either not reading the regs or are choosing to ignore them, and updating them won’t change that.

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because it’s fighting clothing?

if that’s the case you’ll be happy to know that most soldiers(/Aviators & Marines I assume) have field kit and barrack kit,
field - uncreased
barrack - creased

granted The army splits these duties between PCS and Barrack

so it seems reasonable we crease the barrack

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I honestly always find it easier to iron creases in than not leave any


I can count on one hand the amount of soldiers I’ve seen ironing creases into their trousers.

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this your hand?

If they’re ordered into barrack dress they’re meant to iron creases

  1. It’s 2.