Creases in trousers haven’t been a thing in over 10 years. Although I am RAF I do work on an Army unit and they don’t even do creases in trousers.
They were very much a thing when I was at Honington, and in PCS shirt sleeves.
From what I’ve seen it’s A lot of infantry who are keen on it, I’ve seen it on Lancs, Yorks, guards
through the patches aswell?
You don’t need to iron them, they just fold.
My opinion is that if you need to wear MTP putting creases in is a rediculous idea. MTP was made to be functional not pretty. Some people (not all) simply dont know how to wear MTP, Ive seen trousers hanging loose at the bottom over their noots insteat orlf wearing twistys and shirts not tucked in etc. To me MTP should be worn with shirts tucked in and twistys at the bottom of the trousers and windproof jackets turned under at the bottom. Dont wear a belt over your field jacket it looks stupid.
Trouser twists haven’t been needed since at least the mid-90s, when OG lightweights were replaced by trousers with ties included in the bottom. Even those tend to be tied very loosely by people who know.
Twisties do literally nothing, because the boots trousers have them built in now, they’re only there to look pretty…
I assume you mean barrack Shirts, and PCS Combat jackets. We only tuck them in for tradition sake, and so people can see our pretty stable belts
Where else is a webbing belt meant to go? because that’s what you’ll see the army wearing over their smock
MTP was designed to be a camouflage pattern, and we have two kinds,
PCS- UBACS, Combat Jackets, Waterproofs, helmets
Working dress- barrack shirts, Berets, Busbys
We expect working blues to look smart so why not working greens?
edit: brainfart fix
The laces at the bottom of MTP trousers are useless. Thats why we use twisties. Ive done so for over 20 years.
I’ve replaced the laces in the bottom of the trousers legs with round elastic and spring toggles for years. That way, no chasing around to find that lost twister in the dark
Yeah, have to agree, the laces have always been rubbish.
If they weren’t, Twisties wouldn’t have survived.
They’ve survived because there’s a certain cohort who keep pushing them on new recruits, who don’t know any better.
The laces can be loosely tied once and left alone for multiple wears and washes.
I’ve just swapped over to the wind proof trousers with the Velcro in the bottom of the legs for range etc. Don’t know why I didn’t ages ago!
Never used twisties.
Always just tied the laces in a single bow. Never had an issue.