Move to domain name

Don’t do what I did this morning and join a Teams call before updating the account - I ended up in an endless loop of logins until I quit Teams, restarted, deleted the old account and re-added…

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Still doesn’t work, at work, like the old one. I get a message saying it’s blocked, just like the other o365 accounts I have.
I was surprised it didn’t let you login with the old address and then change it, rather than having to mess around changing it before you could login, given the new @**** doesn’t really trip off the tongue. We must be one of the only organisations to change an email address and make it longer.

To be clear are you complaining that your work have blocked access to an unknown email system from their servers? What do you expect anyone to so about that? And you hate doing any cadet stuff outside of cadet hours, you tell us often enough, so why were you checking?

Why would you need to log in with an old address? What do you think you need to change? It’s happened for you, nothing you need to do except slightly change the words you type for your username.

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All now changed to new address for me. No issues accessing anything, works the same as before here!

The email had to be changed before I could login, there was a message in red that the account was invalid or something.
I check my others once in a while to see if it’s changed. I
grew to dislike the emails etc at work when we used our own, as it could drag you into something that took you away from work and I had my collar felt for doing non business activities, around 6 years ago not serious, but serious enough, to not want to get caught again. I do other things but not email, SMS etc.

Shock horror you don’t like modern ways of working…

To be fair, I also dislike email!

Hardly even use them at work, it’s all about teams!

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I must be confused…
Let me confirm…

You have been given a new username to login, told that your old username will no longer work and now you are complaining that it wouldn’t log in using your old username, and that you had to enter the new username to make it work… As though something extraordinary and ridiculous has happened?


Well, that was simple. All changed in less than 10 minutes. Only little hiccough was Teams, but that issue didn’t survive a closing and re-opening.

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‘IT, did you try turning it off and on again?’


Most things were pain-free for me, however the OneDrive client on my Mac was completely broken. It appeared to be trying to constantly signin, but never getting anywhere.

I had to google how to completely reset it, and then reset my account up again (including my personal OneDrive - a minor inconvenience)

Not an issue for someone whose day job it is but some would be stumped

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Ok, I spoke too soon.

Teams keeps asking me to log back in, but every time it forgets the new user name. I change it, it logs in. Then, a little while later it reprompts me to log in, same problem.

I couldn’t add staff to a new Team meeting - looks like the global address list hasn’t fully transferred across yet.

With the exception of non-uniformed volunteers (I think), ALL ACF CFAVs have access to an email on one of the following domains: - the default. - Used by those CFAVs who are also RFCA employees such as CAAs, CEOs, AOs. They can probably also have an armymail address but don’t use it for ease of use, but I’m not 100% sure. - I have only seen one CFAV with one of these, and I can’t remember why. They are not widely used. The Westminster helpdesk also uses it.

ACF CFAVs should always use one of these addresses for ACF business. If they are using a gmail or hotmail address I imagine it is because they haven’t worked out how to use an email client on their computer or phone, as the web client is a bit naff.

You would be quite right to insist that they provide their armymail addresses to arrange events.

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In my case was needed so the Army could give me (a VR(T) officer who was Contingent Commander of a CCF) an official email, as I wasn’t a ‘proper’ officer in their eyes. I never used it…