Move to domain name

Does it matter? Just use the aircadets one…?

I’m having a bit of bother on my phone. I had to login with the new domain, but it isn’t picking up new emails on the outlook app whereas I can see them if I log in on Safari.

Erm yes. Not immediately, but as this is not a temporary chnage I would have thought that the developers would want to know that something isnt connected?

Prob just a lose wire somewhere :thinking:

I would suggest removing the account and adding new.

Ah… You must have accidentally visited the Northern Ireland site.


All of the address will remain valid, most likely exponentially as we would want to maintain the domain to prevent anything dodgy appearing.

All new emails sent will come from the domain, there is no option to change this, but we do have various aliases, which will receive email sent to them.

Yeah I’m not worried about that. Perhaps I wasnt clear.

When typing adj.123 into outlook it comes up only with not

Yes its cosmetic, but might be a symptom of something else.

But fundamentally our email addresses have changed and thus surely the directory of email addresses should change to for predictive address bar searches?

If you are referring to desktop outlook then the autocomplete is all cached locally - it’s not coming live from the RAFAC server.

EDIT - ah, but you are quite right… Having cleared the cache it does seem to refresh a short time later with the domain.

Yes. I know.

It will all be because the Microsoft servers are still processing all of the changes - can take quite a long time so be patient :+1:


You’re welcome.

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Say no more

Looks like the change is affecting Teams. The local staff are having difficulty logging on!

You’ve got to log out and then log back in with new domain.
Fixed it for me yesterday. Unless there is a new issue?

Not sure, the staff are trying to run a Teams lesson but they can’t seem to get it working!

Update: they got it sorted! Not sure why they had difficulties :mrgreen:

My OC couldn’t get it to work for him yesterday, everyone else was fine :man_shrugging:

Teams is the only thing that is accepting the new RAFAC address for me, bader mail/sms still only work on

Cleared the cache etc.

I’m sure that’s not how it’s meant to be, but as long as I have access…

Out of my 3 accounts I’ve got (in Outlook), 2 are currently complaining that I haven’t signed into with the new domain yet, but the 3rd is perfectly happy and still accepting emails…

Outlook on the work laptop has auto updated to the new domain. No intervention required.

Outlook on my mobile is continuing to send / receive email but is still showing in the config. No intervention required YET.

Teams on my Home PC needed a log out / in to work.

Teams on my mobile has auto updated to the new domain. No intervention required.

Email on all platforms seems to have switched over.

Can’t get into SMS with either @aircadets, @rafac or just the squadron number.

Sharepoint switched over without doing anything.

Teams not working.

That should be sorted tomorrow with the release of SMS 5.3.1.

Have you tried logging out and logging in again with the new domain? And clearing your Teams cache?