Mandatory Training

PS to defend a bit the spelling mistake - I pointed this out on Twitter and a very intelligent colleague of mine couldn’t spot the mistake either, even though it’s the first thing I saw. But then I did work as a proofreader for a while…

Do you expect anything else from HQATC though?

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Madatory training - how to get upset about policy promulgation?

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I’ve been asked via DM about doing an aide-memoire for Service Instructors.

All feedback is welcome


I’ve not dealt with having a service instructor, so can’t comment on the content, but the document looks great, and I could see it being very useful!

Me neither, this is based on my quick reading of ACP 20 and ACTO 99.

I’ve now done Chaplains and Registered Civilian Committee members.
Full set available here:


These all look great. I don’t suppose you fancy doing one for CCF officers?

haha, I’m happy to do any others if you point me to the correct policy.

Can’t open this one?

I zipped it up, perhaps thats messed something up?

I’ll re-upload this evening as individuals, or perhaps place them on the ACC Drive, @DJRice?


Go for it!

Good document, nice and clear. All I’d say is that you mention RAF regular and reserve personnel being eligible, perhaps mention that other services are eligible too! RN, Army etc.

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True, I’d just have to work in some sort of “other services follow own policy wrt allowances etc” since we don’t have access or reference of that.

I could be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure it’s just exactly the same form. Has to be signed off by your boss essentially, don’t think there’s any other service specific requirements. But even just “open to all regular and reserve personnel, get this form filled out”

GAI 1026 is supposed to be the RAF policy governing personnel support to the air cadets. but other services have their own policy.
I’m sure in essence it’s exactly the same policy though.

Some users may experience issues with Ultilearn where the module shows complete but not the course which prevents it pulling into SMS.

There remains an issue, obviously, current ETA for a solution is hopefully 9 Nov.

My advise is to complete regardless and if it fails to record correctly (and you used Chrome / New Edge) then log an SR including your service number.

Take a screenshot of the completed module(s) - found this from bitTer experience with company e-learning until the various browser compatibilites were resolved.

Also a lot of the mandatory stuff gives you an option to download a sort of certificate at the end. You can then upload that to the qualifications section on SMS.

Maybe the way forward is do it and if it doesn’t record it, that’s not our problem. The sort of things they want us to do and pretty generic and will invariably sit out here in the real world. All we need to do is be given the link. Saves recreating the wheel, or is this idea too simple or not Air Cadet enough.