Make IFA into a Lanyard

Then like someone said before can you explain the reason why JL has 3 different things and additionally the No 1SD uniform just to identify having the JL qualification. (the jacket + hat, I could be wrong with this part js from what i’ve heard.)

Also, as a cadet you can teach first aid without going the gold course.

If you’ve done AFA then you can teach EFA and YFA as a cadet, so long as you meet the same conditions as CFAV for each, specifically MOI. The only thing the gold course allows you to do that you couldn’t otherwise is to assess AFA. Arguably it should be called the Assessor First Aid, but that would cause confusion…

JL is a completely different course. The gold first aid course can be done over 6 days. JL is done over 6 months. The JL assessment phase is as long as the whole of the gold first aid course. They are completely different, and can barely be compared like for like.


This occurred when we had far less badges. Going fwd this should probably be reduced

Also, to add JLs only have no1s for graduation, not after that event. I still dont understand why they need no1s for the graduation but yeah


I think it’s a throw back to when there were more cadets allowed to wear No1s. I remember the days when CWOs and squadron bands wore them.


It’s ridiculous that bands don’t have them. We never had a band, but the CWO and continuity drill team all had them.

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Rename Activity First Aid to Instructor First Aud,

Instructor → Assesor, sorted :joy:

would be hard explaining to my manager though, “yes i need time for AFA, yes i know it’s 3 days more than last time, Different course,”

It’s ridiculous that new commissioned officers don’t have them - doing a share & loan back (unless the back loggeds clear)

surprised cadet forces are still being issued them.


I’ll be waiting a year for mine apparently after my tailors parade… In August…

I can’t see JLs staying with this model, It costs the corps too much. The amount of weekends have already been cut. While JIs has benefit it is a money pit.

The corps needs to rationalise its offer, all Gold courses need to be pitched at a similar level. Also, the reward for passing a gold course needs to be the same.

Because it looks smarter than the alternative which is where cadets look like a boxing referee convention.

I’d actually be in favour of QAIC doing the same, much more so than I am in favour of their growbags for all policy.

It doesn’t cost anything, as they’re all scrounged, and JL has a stock of old No1s they lend out for those who can’t obtain one. (And they don’t need hats.)

On the “3 badges” point. Originally it was only two, the lanyard and the Recognition Flash. It was the Corps that added the Gold badge and made it equivalent to the burgundy lanyard.

(Fun fact, the lanyards were originally maroon, but there was no maroon lanyard used by the forces, so they were made for the course at the expense of the course, when the supply officer changed about 10+ years ago, they thought this a silly expense and suggested the swap to burgundy, as the burgundy lanyard was an issue item and could be demanded via NSN.)

Don’t 1 PARA wear maroon lanyards?

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and 2para wear blue lanyards, 3para wear green and 4para wear black.

It might be the same one, but the colour of the original JL Lanyard was not a standard colour, it was actually closer to Brown than the present ones.

I’m sorry, I just don’t agree with this, By no means is ACPS or Nijmegen or JL on the same level as Gold Cyber/Comms, or Gold Music

All of the courses/badges I listed above are amazing feats and deserve to be celebrated, however I think some recognition is linked with Difficulty

Hence why ACPS gets you massive wings, JL Gets all of its stuff, and Nijmegen gets a badge on Blues and greens, a Medal you can show off and (apparently soon) the right to wear a wing crest on the left patch

Nijmegen does not get a badge on greens. Or the right to wear a wing crest on the left patch.

ACP 1358 refers.

And doesn’t get to show off the medal as the UK doesn’t allow it to be worn on uniform or alongside official medals

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To be fair, you can show your medal off… just not in uniform.

Oh, we’ve all done it.

Prince Philip recognised it straight away when I wore it to my Gold presentation. Asked if it had formed part of my award. (It had, the physical)

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