Make IFA into a Lanyard

Should Instructor First Aid be made into a lanyard?

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It already has the gold FA badge…


No because it wouldn’t add any value, there’s very few of them at cadet level & it’s a bit walty.


JL has the lanyard, patch and gold leadership badge. Why can’t IFA have more than the gold badge?


Arguement could be made for all parts of PTS where cadets can instruct…


If we follow this argument, then should we have a different lanyard for every single gold level award in the organisation? For me, it’s a no. It’s enough that we have multiple badges for nearly everything excluding FC and drill.

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Part of the qual is instructor cadet so they get a lanyard if they don’t start the course with one.

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Only if the lanyard can also be used to stauch a Cat bleed.



I’d say there’s a solid argument for a unified lanyard that denotes really good instructional standard.

I’d say get rid of the other colours because there’s now an inconsistency in meaning and instructional ability attained.

It doesn’t look like QAIC graduates come away able to actually instruct much of anything, unless things have changed over recent years?

And JLs are basically double badging plus a silly DZ patch.

ducks for cover

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Give them a tourniquet instead of a lanyard


Kinda, if JL came out now, (imagine this org doing something of that scale from scratch now!) it wouldn’t have a lanyard. The Lanyard is a legacy thing really.
Still have mine

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I believe that’s the same for QAIC and JL is it not?


The org has no money. Id rather it spent it on things that benefit more than a handful of cadets.


Things have changed.

I Do actually think that having a lanyard for Gold(Instructor First Aid) is actually a really good thing, making another lanyard for this qualification, which has already been proven that some who have gained the IFA qual have actually had a part in saving peoples life, would really add to the importance of gaining that qualification. Like others have said that not many cadets actually have this qualification i think just adds to the reason for making this another lanyard, and shows that cadets tries to diversify the qualifications that cadets can gain.

Just my own opinion :slight_smile:

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You do not have to have IFA to have been involved in saving someones life. There are many cases over the years where the equivalent of Essentials of First Aid and nothing higher has been held by people involved in saving the lives of others.

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We need to reduce the number of badges and lanyards. Not add more


Careful now. That’s easy to do if we cancel all activities…

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And the fact that cadets are able to help teach those people how to save peoples lives is another reason for making their certification just that extra bit recognised and visible.

And I dont think we should be reducing the amount of badges and lanyards yes it shouldnt come to the point where every qual has a lanyard but as cadets we want there to be more availability to get qualifications and have the recognition that we have done that qualification.

They already have a brassard badge that signifies they can teach these skills. There is no reason whatsoever for the lanyard as well.