Leak of ACP 15 to the press

Being gay isnt a medical issue though

Well Teflon has to do something with his time.


In this case it is not the medical issue that is being unshared. The medical issue is with the Doctor, patient and who else current regulations say should be notified. In regards to RAFAC awareness of a Trans Cadetā€™s identity is a sense of self and how they wish to share that, which is something that is between the person and who they wish to share that with.
I believe this is done to avoid putting the cadet into an unsafe environment at the home if parents are unaware and do not approve of the trans people.

Edit: Spelling


As I read it: RAFAC are providing a supportive and inclusive environment for its members, they are complying with confidentiality legislation where appropriate.

Itā€™s a non story IMHO, maybe because the new CAS is LGBQ+ the torygraph is having an attack of the vapours.


Is this being fed from the top? Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m all for people being whoever they want to be, living their life in any way they choose and expressing themselves how they see fit, as long as itā€™s lawful and fits within the rules of any organisation they participate in eg uniform regulations and similar.

I have noticed that different Commandants bring with them an individual vision for the organisation. When we had an engineer, there was an emphasis on technical matters. Then we had someone who wanted to reshape the organisation. After a succession of last tour of duty, pre retirement 2-3 year tours, the stability of an FTRS appointment was welcome I feel.

The current boss has reflected his personal family situation and pushed the diversity and equality agenda which is no bad thing and reflects evolving attitudes within wider society. The whole organisation is vastly different from the one I joined in the last century and in terms of attitude has evolved.

But this? Are we going too far? Where will we go next?

What do you mean? Too far in terms of what?

The current commandant is an engineer but has made the most sweeping changes to our equality provisions in history, bar allowing female cadets to join back in 81.

What do you think is too far, and what do you mean where will we go next?


Mandated transitioning for all cis-gendered personnel. Itā€™s obvious thatā€™s where this is all going.
Because some people probably believe this already, this was a joke


Iā€™m asking the question not making a judgement. It worries me that this and other organisations doing so much for our cadets or scouts or anyone, will find themselves even more overwhelmed with admin burdens that the volunteers on the coal face walk away. If that happens many young people will miss out on so many opportunities and benefits.

Iā€™m curious as to what you think those laws are?


I really donā€™t understand what your point is though? That we try and support people too much and make places too welcoming?


I also think that using the term ā€œagendaā€ may have coloured the inferences taken from your comments. It tends to be used with negative connotations in these contexts.

Iā€™m not sure how you can go ā€œtoo farā€ in creating a safe and supportive environment for young people by developing a culture of equality and inclusivity in line with legal requirements and sector guidance.


Is this the old ā€œtrans cadets cause an admin burdenā€ argument I see?


You canā€™t.

But then some would seem to want to return to 1975 pre girls joining.


Yeah but he got a lifetime ban :rofl:


But will it stick?

Much like GSTs, that particular material degrades over time until eventually it is no longer effective.

So yes. It will stick.

Society and the organisation has moved on and progressed - while we donā€™t stifle relevant and sensible debate, ACC too does not accept objectively discriminatory views and language being explicitly voiced that shouldnā€™t have ever belonged but certainly should be left in the past where they commonly resided.


There are, undoubtedly, admin and logistical challenges to overcome. Giving the benefit of the doubt, my hope is that @XRSO is attempting to highlight that weā€™re already overburdened and our efforts to meet these emerging challenges - that many will try their best to resolve for the benefit of our cadets - pose additional stress risks. Not that the challenges associated with inclusivity are independently cumbersome and not worthwhile tackling.

The answer, of course, is to release bandwidth to deal with challenges by reducing pressure and burden elsewhere, in areas which are arguably unnecessarily time consuming.

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Schools to receive guidance on gender issues after ā€˜concerningā€™ report, says Rishi Sunak

The thing is, how would they know the parents donā€™t know?

What it little Jimmy leaves home as Jimmy, and when they arrive at school, tell everyone theyā€™re now little Jenny, and tell them their parents are on board? Itā€™s not like teachers are overburdened with the gift of spare time and resources to chase or investigate something that in my experience makes next to no practical difference on the ground.


More to the point, how do they know the child isnā€™t going to get beaten?

Thereā€™s are many reasons that they arenā€™t comfortable with those at home knowing.

I could understand suggestions of a standardised referral avenue with specialists who can deal and monitor, then support and react as necessary after the fact, but this should not be in the hands of teachers