Latest "pause" - BTEC in Aviation Studies

Exactly this, I feel its old policy grandfathered in from when the written exams were only ever released every 6months or so.

Since moving on we’ve not implemented a minimum completion time, particularly for cadets who join later and end up self-studying for the BTEC instead of 1 classification a year.

We submitted one in Oct, but I believe it’s been bounced back on account of the “pause”

What was the date of this announcement please?

27th of October

This one?
"One of my cadets finished MAC and applied for the BTEC a few months ago. Unfortunately, he was asked to add some information to his First Class logbook which he is in the process of doing. Can we still claim the BTEC for him or will he have to wait until the new qualification is released and have to do it all again?

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Hotston, Paul Wg Cdr (RAFAC-HQ)
Whilst the learning resources for the classification syllabus will largely remain the same, the assessment for the new BTEC will be completely different as it is a different qualification. None of this stops cadets achieving their classification badges and certificates."

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This response is absolutely blind to the consequences, work, and shattered expectations. This is yet another poorly managed change with no forethought, care, or empathy.

This is the same person I’ve seen respond to a question which included (something along the lines of) “I’ve spoken to to my CoC already and got nowhere” with “speak to your CoC”.

It’s been a long time since I’ve felt that anyone in an important role at HQ understands or cares about squadrons.


Exactly. We were told by the time he’d taken his GCSEs, our grandson would have a BTEC. That means something to me, whereas a classification doesn’t. Unfortunately my grandson does not want me to complain so he will now have to wait until December 2023 to take the new BTEC by which time he will be coming to the end of his A Levels! I am extremely disappointed to have been led astray. I am furious that he took the exam but the woman in charge of it as his squadron said he had to wait 6 months and redo it as this was factually incorrect advice and had she known what she was talking about he would have had his BTEC by now.

He possibly doesn’t understand the difference between a complaint to the squadron (and risk being labelled a trouble maker or standing out), and a complaint to the higher bodies about the process in the first place.

I’d strongly recommend you follow Farmerdan’s advice and write to the Commandant.


Am I really likely to get anywhere do you think?

And will this come back on him if the Commandant contacts his Squadron about giving him incorrect information?



Not really.
As the change is a result of a request from outisde the org. In tbis case the awards body.

The mistake HQAC has made is AGAIN just shocking comms, lack of empathy and zero figs given.


And how long did HQAC know about the changes by the award body?


I would advise against directing your fury at someone who is volunteering their spare time to help run the squadron and had no idea this change was incoming.

While I don’t adopt the same policy on my squadron I think it is relatively sound advice to leave a gap between exams so cadets don’t fly through them without really learning anything.

Does anybody know if BTECs submitted to HQAC before the announcement will be processed?

I sent one off shortly before and the cadet is now asking me to confirm whether or not they will have received the award and frankly I don’t know.

Just seen this gem of a response to a valid question on the training hub:

The current learning resources and delivery material will remain the same, although there may be a couple of small content changes, but nothing major. So, cadets should continue with their classification PTS training. The main purpose of classification training is to enable cadets to achieve their PTS badges and certificates, so they can progress through the cadet training syllabus. The old BTEC was an added bonus, but not the prime outcome. Delivery, assessment and outcome for the classification PTS remains the same. However, assessment for the new BTEC will be separate and managed through Bader Learn. Those cadets who have completed Master Air Cadet and do not have the old BTEC, will have the opportunity to undertake the new BTEC, when it is available. There are too many variables to give a timeline, but it is hoped that it will be available Q2 2023.

So we’ll have a purpose built training platform that won’t do assessments for our primary qualification offer, which by the way wasn’t our main goal and was only ever a bonus?

And to top it all off, we’ve got a timeline now of Q2 2023 which could be April-June or July-September, if they work financial or calendar years.

This is woeful.


Respectfully, there is no answer to this question that reduces HQAC’s responsibility.

If they’ve known about it for more than 6 months, they should have said as soon as they found out.

If they’ve found out about with less than 6 months, then they should have pushed back to allow anyone already “in-flight” chance to finish.

If the problem really is that bad that award body wouldn’t allow for a short grace period, then they probably should be recinding existing awards…



And also no.

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It’s just really frustrating after 4 years :cry: I feel like they’ve really let my grandson down.


For an organisation with Training in the name, we’re really bad at a coordinated centralised training system and its getting really embarrassing.

But do HQ care? Of course they don’t. As far as I’m aware, none of them have skin in the game; they don’t deliver it on a weekly basis, nor do they have children going through it. Either of those perspectives would guarantee a wildly different approach.


I think we all share your frustration, and can all agree its been handled extremely poorly.

I certainly disgaree with the Corps Training Officers feedback that the PTS badge is the main reason we entertain the classifcation “classes” evenings. Everyone here has sold the idea of a BTEC to a parent to get the kid throigh the door.

At the time i achieved my BTEC, i certainly felt like i’d achieved something (it wasnt open book back then!), but in recent years this BTEC has lost credibility and value (so whilst i hate to say it, Pearson are right in pulling the award).

It’s annoying but hopefully your grandson sticks through it for another year and will be able to do the required work that can earn him an award which actually has some value and not just a tick box exercise.

(Forgive any spelling mistakes im out and about)