Kings Birthday Honours List 24

Any interesting responses?

None from the Comdt. Maybe shooting one foot was enough

Notably not deleted - perhaps media has given up supporting him as well?

Anyone here listen to “When it hits the fan” on Radio 4?

Very interesting programme on the industry and work of PR and recent DR disasters. Paula Vennells relationship with PR was very interesting especially with the lack of engagement and how all press was bad and wished the press and reporters would go away and leave the post office alone.

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Just as well they didn’t really.

Not all press is of the tabloid viariety

The Sunday Times in particular over the years has taken a deep dive into various public sector organisations, notably:

Child grooming in the northern towns and Midlands which gave us the Jay and Casey Reports.
Supported Maggie Oliver over the Rochdale grooming scandal and the GMP.
Various maternity units and deaths of mothers and babies, leading to at least two Ockenden reports.
Tavistock Centre, leading to the Cass Report.
Various incidents in police forces in the UK.
Too numerous to mention in the NHS, up to and including the present criminal investigation into Brighton NHS trust.

Whilst there are many journalists who have questionable morals, some are diligent investigators who kick over stones, which sees all sorts crawl out that in particular local authorities and the NHS would prefer never to see the light of day.


Comdt 2FTS has been asked to comment, and hasn’t yet. I can predict the response he will have to give, though, as decisions on ACTO 35 were taken above his level. It’s not that he didn’t try.
The question is, what happens to VoP queries beyond that stage - are they escalated?

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Is this because he’s in charge of flapping?

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A leader of Penguins, all flap, no flight.


Likewise Private Eyes investigation into Deepcut.

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There was also the Telegraph’s ‘Lockdown Files’ expose of Matt Hancock’s WhatsApps.

I wonder if they will get anything in the Birthday Honours for that?!

And their ‘rotten boroughs’ pieces.

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Didn’t you have an old guy who had basically never stopped volunteering since he went from cadet to staff and got the latest clasp and a big fuss, but no honour?

That is really silly of the organisation.

Your long service medal might offset the need to recognise a “basic” volunteer with a BEM, but the moment you take on any responsibility above and beyond the minimum, all free of charge and in your spare time, that clock should start counting down on recommendation for a state honour.

Especially as the charity you’re supporting is effectively a state-sponsored charity.


This post here.

That man deserves an MBE.

At the time of this post, it was brought up on VoV that these should be a nomination for a state honour.


That’s a point. As SCC is literally a state-sponsored charity, do their uniformed volunteers come under military or civilian awards?

When ACTO35 was around, this was in the process of being set up, certainly for a few BGA sites. I went with the then B&C Reg Av O to Cambridge Gliding Centre to look at the options for pre-authorising some BGA sites (especially ones designated as youth centres) & associated practical requirements.


Their officers are cadet force commissioned same as us & listed under as MOD sponsored cadet force so I would say yes.

Looking on line, have found an image & it shows the military division of the MBE not the civilian one. (Military has the thin white stripe in the middle)

The sea cadets have the same legitimacy as us now days (despite what some ATC CFAVs might claim)


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Slightly off topic but found out recently from a friend who got it that the St John equivalent of the Cadet Forces Medal. The Service Medal of the Order of St John the requirements for that are 10 years with the service requirement being 60hrs a year for the year to count. Not the 12 years for the CFM

From what she says in relation to the appointment to the order if you hold any position of responsibility & do a good job and are not a complete idiot then you are highly likely to be inducted as. Member within a few years of taking an position of responsibilty although It does come down to being nominated so some areas are better than others.


Personally the whole honours system is very out of touch with the “real-world” how many people get awards such as Knighthoods/Damehoods for simply doing their job, prime example are sporting personalities and actors. Andy Murray and Lewis Hamilton being examples. You have a specialist heart surgeon who might be on a 1/10th of their salary maybe less on the NHS who is carrying out 40 operations a year and they don’t get any recognition what’s so ever in a 30 odd year career.

In reality to a lot of Britain the honours system is relatively new most of it established in 1917 (MBE’s etc). There hasn’t been much shake up of the system but for me personally, ditch it and have 2 honours one of Knight/Dame Commander and 2nd BEM with a list of prerequisites x number of years in their role, exceeded role to x, brought x to the community/country etc etc. Don’t just give a footballer a OBE because they did their job etc a privileged award should have meaning and merit