To be fair, “combat logos” was going on about only churning out kings crown stuff a while back.
But I would wager tin trousers is probably more legit.
To be fair, “combat logos” was going on about only churning out kings crown stuff a while back.
But I would wager tin trousers is probably more legit.
Tintrousers is pretty locked in with the RN in the tailoring world.
I wonder if this is why SD hats are in short supply… new badges inbound.
That presupposes logistical forethought in the RAF/MOD.
They probably just let the contract lapse with no replacement agreed…
More likely that they’ve just messed up the contracts again.
Read just this week on the Forces News page that there will be no rush to change badges, the decision is that they will be slowly introdued as old stock begins to diminish and that for a few years to come there could well be a mixture of badges
That’s what I understood happened when QE2 became QE2.
Which 100% makes sense
Absolutely can confirm this… I found my grandfathers REME capbadge when I did my great grandfather’s stack.
My grandfather served '52-73ish, and his badge is topped with the “kings” crown. It’s incredibly worn down by polishing, I wouldn’t have thought he swapped it in that time.
Still planning on keeping all my uniform as “Queens crown” for the next 30 years.
I might even stock up on spare badges if they end up going cheap!
I’m going brass.
I acquired a brass Kings crown RAF beret badge umpteen years ago and wore it from when I got it to the day I left.
No-one ever said a word to me about it (RAFAC badge police take note - there’s more important things going on around you than worrying about badges. The RAF ain’t bothered so why should you be ).
Still got that brass badge in my loft.
That is nice. The ADHD collector in me is screaming at me to get one to go with my EIIR sword. Must resist.
Id love to be able to afford a legit sword, my cheapo practice sword will have to suffice for sword drill training at the moment!
When are you coming round to ours to teach sword drill then?
Always open to provide it!, will potentially having sword training days in HIOW in 2023, just need to source some other practice swords, nearest are Halton.
If you are undersubscribed, let me know - will travel!