King Charles III ... what now?

It is not a king/queen crown so this makes no difference.

The current crown was actually made for a king.


I think that we’ve moved on in the way we give Medals (the Silver Jubillee was similar) so I wouldn’t let historically worry you too much.

That would meet the reasonable period of waiting, but considering the desire for good Weather and that Charles is aware of public image and the “cost” of such an affair I would expect it later in the year, to coincide with Trooping would be my guess.


I think KC might go against history. Its been reported that he wants a much lower key and cheaper coronation, so i wouldnt expect a medal for the Cadet Forces


I think if they go to a General issue for the Military then Cadet Forces will be included because they won’t think to exclude them.

I don’t know how the QEII Coronation Medal was issued to the Military but in the Police it was a limited issue, the same as the QEII Silver Jubilee medal.

I think knowing he’s unlikely to get a Silver Jubilee will make him want his one big issue to be a big issue, possibly at the expense of other elements of the Coronation.

A good bar to measure will be if he changes the crown, if he makes taht switch he doesn’t care about the money, if he keeps it the same he does.

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If the crown isn’t changed Combat Logos is going to look a bit silly…


Imo jumping the gun like this has already made them look silly


Not the first, these appeared online from another manufacturer

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I don’t know what the rush for the new crown is…i think it’s going to be a non starter, and whoever is pushing it will look a little silly…

I’ll keep repeating it. Allyness does in fact save lives. Even if, and that’s a big IF it’s changed, and given Charles’ want for a more cost effective monarchy, i doubt it. I’ll be keeping hold of the old ones. Because they’re ally.

I swore allegiance and have worn them for over a decade now. I am not rushing to change them. It’s going to be my aim to finish my career in 20 years time still wearing the same crowns.


Likewise, the general view at work is that in 10 years you will be uberally if you still have the old ones.


With all this crown changing going on are the ATC going to change their crest to a terrestrial crown?


Might as well…
Naff all aviation going on…

I’ll get my coat.


Just released now

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So crown has changed then?


Reading the article the black and white version has the current crown so guessing they haven’t actually got a clue and it’s just click bait

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The black and white version is an example of the Scottish version. It features the Royal Crown of Scotland, not the current St Edward’s Crown we are familiar with elsewhere.

It seems that indeed, he’s gone back to the Tudor Crown.

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If you read the article more closely you will see that the black and white cypher is his Scottish version and not click bait as th4 same article also been replicated in the bbc news …l King Charles: New royal cypher revealed King Charles: New royal cypher revealed - BBC News

The BBC article adding that new bank notes won’t be in until 2024.

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I tell you what though, IF the crown changes, and I have to purchase replacements, (my privilege as an officer) I’m going back to Brass, I always did prefer the shine of real brass buttons.