Keeping Squadrons Going with Coronavirus (Technology)

Yes which is a note to this sentence:

'Meetings with cadets can only be undertaken through Microsoft Teams hosted on the Bader platform ’

My emphasis on the fact that this applies to meetings involving cadets, not just CFAV.

It does later say in 8.f. and h. note 4 that all official business must be conducted by MS Teams but you are quoting the wrong part to make your point.

Still… :sunglasses:




Being proven right, is still a win.

I love it when people show how much they care about cadets, RAFAC and ensuring we are a strong organisation.


I’ve just been on Twitter and spotted a squadron that is running online training every evening except Saturday… eek!

We’ve been (unofficially) told not to try and run more than 2 parade nights a week…

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There’s a squadron in my Wing doing that. Had a chat with their Training Officer and I literally have no idea how they’re managing it. :astonished:

I’m finding it difficult enough to sort out two a week!


We’ve decided to do one a week - I don’t have many instructors, so if we didn’t, we’d spend all of our time producing material for the sessions, and burn out after a few weeks!

I think we’re going to go down to one a week. We had tried running two (1 per flight) but we’re not getting more than 15 or so, so no reason why we can’t do it all on one night.

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We had 3 staff including myself all ready to engage with the cadets (It’s been like pulling teeth to get last night sorted and approved) to see what the cadets have been up to and to get ideas for future group sessions etc

We had 3 cadets :roll_eyes: make the effort. We had various messages on our Facebook group along with some via the portal saying they are having problems with internet etc. Fair to say our OC must have had a cocky grin on his face cos he’s been putting it off and saying he needs to look into Teams, last nights poor attendance will mean in the coming weeks and months I doubt anyone will want to give it another go. So to those actually getting cadets to give it a go, good luck :neutral_face:

No staff as key workers…
Only 1 staff per session maybe?


The technology is a bit slow, and cadet portal is certainly struggling with so many trying to access it.

Plenty off Staff Cadets?


How about an ACC Virtual Parade Night for those staff that want to teach, and those cadets that don’t have staff producing material?

If you want to engage, but your Sqn isn’t - for whatever reason - I’m sure someone would jump at the extra help, or even extra students to make lectures worthwhile. I certainly would!


I would strongly encourage units that are not running sessions to work together with other units so their cadets don’t miss out if they want to join something :+1:


I don’t know why people are so surprised about poor cadet engagement. The ‘squadron’ for many cadets is about the social contact (face to face) with mates, the other things are largely incidental and just something to do. Even when I was a cadet it seeing those you wouldn’t normally see at school. TBH I’m enjoying the time away. It makes you wonder what would have happened just say 10 years ago if this had happened.

All of the other things I do, RBL, RAFA and village groups have effectively said see you on the other side, as we ain’t going anywhere. IMO the problem I suspect in the ATC is total lack of confidence that the cadets (and I suspect some staff) will come back wagging their tails.

Interesting comment about internet viability. I was chatting, yes I know it’s naughty, to 2 people in the village who have kids at the local school, which a number of the cadets go to. They said in the 2 weeks prior to the Easter holiday their kids in Yr10 have been probably having more work set for a 50 min lesson than they would ever do. They had been doing 9 hrs a day and had to catch up over the weekends because of the volume of work, tech failures and the way teachers are using it. To cap it all they’ve been set work over Easter, so it’s just as well they shouldn’t go out. They also said trying to do it all online hasn’t helped, even downloading simple files is a major headache (much of which has to be uploaded when finished) and so called live lessons are a joke. The school are using teams and both said it would have been far better to use their standard homework systems and do ‘school’ like glorified homework sessions, rather than try something new, because they can, which is just creating problems. One said, one of the problems was they didn’t ask parents if they had the required things at home, just jumped in.

TBH if any cadets are having to work at this volume, anything we might try when we aren’t meeting, is not going to be well received. It’s not even got the distraction of getting out of the house, it’s just more of the same (ie school work), which we try to avoid in the previous normal times.

I mostly agree with you.

But, I will say that I was surprised at how well received our first ‘Virtual’ parade was, to the point where I have received a request from several cadets to extend the evening and do more than the 2 X 45 minute sessions per week that I had planned to do in the coming months.

Maybe it’s a welcome distraction from schoolwork/parents/home/TV, maybe it’s just a novelty that will wear off - I don’t know, but as long as the troops log on, I’ll provide content.

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2 x 46 minutes it is then