Jumper weather

Hi all, just wanted to clarify when jumpers can be worn. Most cadets are parading at sqn in jumpers however some have asked to not wear jumpers because it is too hot. Does everyone have to be in jumpers? Is the decision made by OC wether we’re in them or not?

No to both.


When you are cold. If you become too hot, remove said jumper.


The warm weather / cold weather dress modes were removed years ago.

Other than a requirement on a parade/formal event to look the same, its down to comfort.

Its still taking time to filter down to some of the old and bold (or incorrectly briefed)…but OC’s discretion doesnt exist anymore.

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This is up there as a pet hate of mine.

As people said, if you feel cold wack a jumper on. If its a parade agree on an appropriate uniform for all to wear.


It drives me nuts.

Just to confirm when you say “parade” you mean full ceremonial parade, often in public and not “final parade” at the end of the night or “first parade” for calling the roll.

I share your annoyance (along with shouting at cadets who put a pen in the pen pocket so they can make notes on final :person_facepalming:t2:)


Why don’t you make a nice poster? Like those ones they put about every November with incorrect poppy info on?

“When should I wear a jumper?”

“when you feel cold”


As a slight digression, are we now the only service that still has “jumpers”.

Army seemed to have gone away from barrack dress completely. Navy is going for full PCS.

I think we will be last service standing & even then not long before we get revamped.

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Because that’s what the climatic injuries powerpoint/videos are for :sweat_smile: :grin:

Nah, jumpers are back in the Army, green woolly pullies are Ally again.


To slightly misquote from another threat about ties “weather gets colder not formal”, however staff wearing a GPJ inside rather than a jumper as it’s easier & doesn’t require a tie to be worn grip my effluent.


It evaporates my urine.

Yeah cere stuff

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I made the so you want to grow a beard one that was bounded about, maybe i should.

Did it have the Captain America sitting on a chair backwards meme template? Because it should have

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Is this the same with sleeves up or down for uniform or is it everyone is the same?

Uniformity for a formal parade, but personal choice.

Although, sleeves down on working blue, just feels wrong… :flushed:


Yeah it still makes me cringe


You’re both wrong.
Short sleeves shirts are abhorrent.
Long sleeve dark blue is the best. Long sleeve shirt without tie. Perfect.

It also confuses my cadets if I turn up in it. Which is the main selling factor.