Joining as a CFAV in specific roles

Hello all,

I’m soon to leave Regular RAF service and I’m also a healthcare professional. I’m looking at joining as a CFAV, but would like to know if there is a possibility to join directly into a Medical Support Officer role (assuming the organisation has them)?

Thank you in advance.

We don’t as such (I think it was being looked into, as the Army Cadets have a similar role).

We do have SMEs responsible for First Aid training at Wing and Region level. Also all cadets do first aid training, usually on the Squadron, so any expertise is always welcome.

We’re also trying to increase our mental health support too.

HQ RAFAC does now have a Chief Medical Officer as an advisor but there aren’t any real role below that which would be suitable.

Depending on where you are and how they are organised it can vary to how the skills of a healthcare professional could be used.

Hi and welcome,

Contrary to what the others have said, it appears we do now have Wing (~county level) and Region level Medical Support Officer roles. The role seems to have snuck in under the radar, and appeared in our internal IT systems within the last couple months. How this role works alongside the First Aid Training Officers is not yet known to me currently.

It has certainly been done in the past locally where an individual with skills useful to the organisation has been recruited with the intention of joining as a subject matter expert. Initially you might join a local squadron, but you can quickly move into that higher level role once established.

I believe our electronic ‘Join’ process hasn’t been designed to account for individuals directly joining a wing or region so you may need to sign up to a sqn first.

I’d reach out to your local Wing Headquarters listed here and go from there:
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