I like what you did there, but the expenditure on embroidered cadet ranks could easily be recouped by scrapping the unnecessary ATC cap badge. If it’s good enough for CFAV and staff cadets to have a CF-specific TRF and rank slides, then it’s good enough for other cadets too.
With the current SLT I think they’d be Chaos Space Marines
This is unfortunately the endemic way we’ve been operating from sqns & detached flights up to RHQs & national courses.
Cottage industry style of delivery that only work because specific people are in place with no sustainability or succession planning.
ACLC worked because it utilised TEST personnel as its core team with volunteers then giving the enhancement.
The courses are In effect ended in their current form & they are unlikely to return in a sustainable way.
It would solve the problem of a blue uniform that can be worn in the field.
I believe you also get a sword?
No reason they can’t war game some zero gee battlefield scenarios e.g. space station clearance & capture.
Don’t forget about ACLC. And the new FC policy. Where does JL sit within those? Is it gold leadership? Is it good fieldcraft? Both? Neither?
That’s actually part of the stated reason for the Pause, to realign with the new syllabi
And the cap badges never bloody fit properly anyway. My badge arms are at a 45° angle just to fit in the holes.
But stopping the car in this case comes with the very real risk that it never starts again!
They both restarted after Lockdown, it’s also JL25 next, so a big one to get going for.
Heck, if their hard up, I’d go back to lend a hand.
Yes but at what cost?
As @pEp suggested there is a loss of skill set.
I have only experience of RIAT but the change ftom National camp to 3x region camp (2019) had a big impact on lost skills not just from CFAVs but from a lack of returning Cadets from none attending Regions whose places were filled with twice the number of inexperienced cadets
Post pandemic it was a much harder year 2022 getting back up and running. As we know having had the forced time off a fair number of CFAVs left…some of those impacted RIAT.
The biggest impact however was the loss of experienced Cadets. An attending cadet in 2019 may well have easily aged out by 2022, or like the CFAVs left altogether.
While a good number of experience staff did return in 2022, experienced Cadets were few and far between.
Ok so were only talking about a single year off and in vastly different circumstances but as JL and QAIC target those older Cadets, and the pool of those that return to assist with the following year’s course before ageing out/leaving suddenly shrinks simply due to the march of time
I’ve seen this in our Wing. We had two very competent SAAIs who ran IWT for their own and neighbouring Sqns on a “regular” basis. This proved successful and the invites stretched further and regularity increased to meet demand.
Over time it then became a Wing wide opportunity but with limited Wing Support. When those two SAAIs stepped back a bit (to pick up other responsibilities) suddenly the whole house of cards fell with them…and in part not helped by the pandemic we’ve yet to see Wing wide shooting offered since.
If the staff driving the success are missing and their successors not in place, in time and with the appropriate skills and experience of the role, opportunities end up being watered down to the point they stop
i might of missed something but is it confirmed when they will restart? also (might have already been gone over) but if been told by a recent QAI grad that it ahs been paused to change the course.
RIP my dreams of QJL Samm
if qaic continues after 2025 i hope id be able to become a QAI so I’m hoping qaic actually continues
How old are you now?
I’m 17 now but i’m planning to put in an RAF application in about 6 months and go in after A-levels so this year is the only time i’d be able to do JL.
That wouldn’t matter, fieldcraft is part of RAF Basic training as is Weapons handling, not to mention the L98 is very similar to what the regulars use. Good luck anyway!
go army way better.
or stick to family traditions and go navy?
@acdt you can’t compare them as “better” or not. All Have different missions and are geared accordingly.
@samm don’t be disheartened. It’s a different experience doing it in the services and I understand the disappointment.
will QAIC and JL continue post 2025?