It gets better

[quote=“kfd” post=22144]I would suggest clarification is sought on the course, as it stills seems a bit confusing.

We use Archery as part of skills training day or secondary activity on a normal shooting day so can claim pay.[/quote]

A number of wings conduct Clay Shooting in a similiar vein.

Has anyone seen this via their CofC? Is it posted on Bader Announcements?

Came from OCsatt via our wing shooting officer…

Email through CoC which Pep posted. It’s also posted on a couple of Wing Bodger sites - but nothing on HQAC.

Email through CoC which Pep posted. It’s also posted on a couple of Wing Bodger sites - but nothing on HQAC.[/quote]

it’s not a great sign of our times when I learn of this issue here first, then have to ask my Wing Shooting Officer about it.

Everyone in our region had multi emails on Friday. Further clarifications came out about other NSW’s. No shooting of any kind is to take place until advised. :popcorn:

[quote=“orh197” post=22131]Presumably CTT here means Cadet Training Team not the ACO Central Training Team - how confusing.

Not sure how Brigade can dictate to CCF(RAF)? Don’t we (CCF-RAF) have to follow ACO policy on all things related to shooting (at least for now)? We can’t have two masters on something like this.[/quote]
Completely agree.

I’ve suggested to our Contingent that it’s possible that CCF(RAF) aren’t subject to the instruction but was promptly slapped down and told to comply. I’m now seeking guidance through the CCF CoC.

You’re restricted from any form of shooting? Which Region?

I would have said that they could.

KFD misquoting somewhat for affect I can only presume.
The msg sent to KFDs region and the various clarifications were pretty clear.
The use of non-service weapons and/or non-service ammunition for staff On Duty is not permitted - shooting with service weapons & ammo may continue.

Temporary (we hope !!)) stop in place for NSW/NSA until TG5 proves we have the necessary 2* dispensation to work outwith the SST or actions something to bring the current and varied fleet of NSWs / NSAs within the SST. (which I’d expect is practically impossible)

TG5 specifically listed affected NSWs as being .22 Target Rifles, Air Rifles, Full Bore TR, Shotguns (none of which come to us via the formal Safe for Service process)

I think it is high time that the detail of the “Safe System of Training” was challenged thoroughly.
The concept is sound but it is overly prescriptive and, surprise surprise, focused on being hand in glove with the military.

For instance, in what way is a civilian target rifle, purchased from (or checked and regularly serviced by) a reputable firearms dealer less safe than a 60 year old rifle with few spares?

Similar concepts exist around many of the activities that we do. For instance, if we follow the JSP, all of our radio kit needs to come from service sources.

Safety is important but there is more than one safe road to travel.

Or such 60 yr old rifles that are declared to be u/s on the basis of lack of spares (or the inability to source/use the correct bolt head)?
[sub][Or, for doing parade drill with the L103, must have an L98A2 WHT…][/sub]

As of just now, still no “ACO announcement” on Bader - the notice for the PAM21C changes is still there - so “not using NSWs” can’t be that important then??

With NSW’s

Would these be the same 60 year old weapons that were going to be replaced soon due to a lack of spares and obsolescence when my father was a cadet… in the 1960s? :whistle:

[quote=“papa november” post=22169][quote=“MikeJenvey” post=22164]

Or such 60 yr old rifles that are declared to be u/s on the basis of lack of spares (or the inability to source/use the correct bolt head)?
Would these be the same 60 year old weapons that were going to be replaced soon due to a lack of spares and obsolescence when my father was a cadet… in the 1960s? :whistle:[/quote]
Yep and every decade since. We were told a few years back they had enough new ones and spares for years to come.
Whatever replaces the N°8s won’t last anywhere near as long.

OT … Since the Chippies were retired in the mid 90s, we’ve had two AEF a/c and never, as far as I’m aware, anything go wrong enough with the Chippies in 40 years to ground them for months. If rumour control is right we’re going to get another one in the coming years. So 3 a/c within potentially 25 years, when we had one for 40. “Don’t make them like they used to” as my dad would say and I find myself saying more and more.

That still cracks me up, you nutters!

Pop quiz…

When was the last injury from firing these clapped out No8s?

We’ve had an email from our Wg Shooting Off that says we definitely can do clay target.

(He also didn’t pass on the notice to stop anything outside the SsOT for four days after he received it because he didn’t believe it was true)

Not a bad show really…

Good to see consistency.

That says what a lot about the belief & trust in those on high…

Mike - email came down through our WgShootO to all sqns on morning of 25 Nov 14, your boss should have disseminated to you. Talk to Keith.