It gets better

[quote=“romeo bravo” post=22181][quote=“MikeJenvey” post=22164]
As of just now, still no “ACO announcement” on Bader - the notice for the PAM21C changes is still there - so “not using NSWs” can’t be that important then??

Mike - email came down through our WgShootO to all sqns on morning of 25 Nov 14, your boss should have disseminated to you. Talk to Keith.[/quote]

Correct, & so actioned. However, for something so important, why no central announcement on Bader (PAM21C amendments are obviously important enough)? As per one of the previous posts, the dissemination of an email was delayed (& by how many others?). Where is the notification about onward action to try & remedy this situation? Timescale? Outline details of the incidents that caused this?

Totally agree, and thats where the problem lies in the organistaion. Information is disseminated by full timers at HQAC, through a CoC of mixed volunteers and full timers, some of which have a day job and not necessarily access to Bader, emails, etc, on a daily basis.

A Corps wide dissemination process should be adhered to; for example, the email to all sqns regarding CTSP sent out yesterday. Not sending it down the chain to the lowest common denomiator, allowing for interpretation!!

New update issued. CT authorised. All other NSW’s awaiting update.

where do we find this??

i have only been made aware via email so dont knwo where to look on sharepoint?

Didn’t even get that this time!

Latest update (received from WgShO which should appear on Bader on Monday)

The use of Locally Purchased Weapons (previously known as Non-Service Weapons, however NSWs are something completely different hence the change) are still on stop for .22" and 7.62mm TR.

We can use Air Rifles (CZ200 or Scorpion), however there is a restriction on the Scorpion in that it must be a version WITHOUT the safety on the RHS under the bolt… If it does then you can’t use it!

CT shooting is not affected by this stop providing it is in accordance with ACTO48

Service ammunition is not to be used in LPWs, time to get out the ACF20s to get buying ammo… (ensuring you remain within your 2k/5k limit!)

A further update will be sent out next Friday unless the matter is resolved.

I do agree. Our no.8 rifles are “serviced” by a RAF armoury who know nothing about them and care less. We have had weapons returned eventually that have such a high misfire rate that are not fit for use. By contrast our NSW’s and shotguns are serviced by a skilled and qualified armoured who understands and deals with such weapons on a daily basis. I know which I have more faith in.
Once again our cadets are missing out on a core activity that we can provide safely and locally…or maybe not!

And you’ve reported this right? Because there are people who’d be interested if this was exactly as you describe it.

It’ a joke with the air rifles, as i have 2 of the first produced ones with the SC on RHS. There goes getting any more marksmans this year!

Ours were delivered like that - even although a local sqn had had theirs delivered a year or so before with the correct placement - I told BSA that this was not safe, liaised with the ACO sponsor, & they were sent back to BSA in order for the safety catch to be positioned on the left.

Regardless of age, worth checking to see if you can do the same.

We’ve had our WSO ask who in our wing has them on RHS, apparently some money ‘may’ become available to get them changed over. But will definitely as BSA.