Israel and Gaza 2023


How dare a right wing politician express right wing views!

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The real question is she deliberately obtuse or actually that thick?

The reason different groups are policed differently generally comes down to if their is a counter protest or not as that affects the legal framework.

I’ve never known a right wing demo that hasn’t attracted a counter protest, at which point the risks of disorder go up and you have the legal power to put conditions in.

As yet the pro-Palestine demos haven’t attracted a counter demo, so haven’t required conditions just proactive policing to deal with the small number of spontaneous issues.

This weekend for no real reason except rabble rousing and disinformation you are now going to see right wing groups in London looking to act as a counter protest. At which point the risk of serious disorder has gone from almost zero to around eight , so you will see conditions and the Police now need to Police 2 groups on top of a busy ceremonial and football weekend.


People in your position need to more frequently ask themselves “what if the shoe were on the other foot?”

Yaxley-Lennon looks to be up to his usual tricks though, so there probably will be a counter-protest. It really feels as though this is what the government is trying to encourage.


The Ex-Squaddie right wing numpties have already been out and about but only in tiny numbers, the FLA will be out this weekend from the looks of things and Tommy Robinson must be skint and needing another cash injection from the Trump backers in the US.

Those groups will go looking for trouble and then will cry when they get policed and claim a double standard, as usual.


And no doubt, given recent remarks, they’ll get the explicit backing of the Home Secretary.

Ironic really considering most of Robinson’s supporters would happily lynch her from Blackfriars bridge

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I am very much reminded of the fable about the trees voting for the axe because its handle was wooden.

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Probably not, EDL (and it’s subsidiaries) seem to have this really weird racism where being Indian or Sikh is seen as fine, but being Pakistani or Muslim is bad. It’s really messed up.

*Rich brown and black folks tend to be alright. It’s just the poor brown and black folks you have to watch out for…

Typhoon, a that interview is a good illustration of how we’re all tying ourselves up in knots with what is pretty much ‘business as usual’ between two groups of people who are sworn to eradicate each other from the face of the earth: Hamas at least face the victims upon whom they carry out their atrocities; Israel carry out their genocide as remotely as they can. Israel also doesn’t have a baby boom, relying instead on mass immigration to put pressure on the living space and natural resources of the area.

Like I wrote before, the UK Government should have stayed above it all: Israel doesn’t need our help and support, and will show us no gratitude for it. But then Tory Boy hasn’t ever lived in the real world, and doesn’t know that you don’t touch the Middle East with a barge pole smeared with radioactive waste on the business end.

When the Israelis invaded Lebanon in 1982 (I remember watching it on TV in the NAAFI whilst on an ATC Easter Camp at RAF Manston - on our way home on the coach a few days later, we heard on a transistor radio one of us had that Argentina had invaded the Falkland Islands) Margaret Thatcher didn’t take their side on it. That was a similar situation to today in its effects within the region, and the IDF’s first experience of combatting a heavily-armed insurgency, rather than fighting conventional wars between states. It was also the start of the slow erosion of Israeli political capital in the western world, and their loss of status as the only good guys in the region. We in the UK didn’t have any pro-PLO marches then, but we did get the Human League’s song ‘The Lebanon,’ which in its second verse sums up military mission creep in four lines. :crazy_face:

But then her government would have had men in it who had been in the armed forces and served in various operations in that part of the world: the last generation of posh boys and girls who actually had the competence to govern our country and its empire/manage our overseas interests.

Israel, in common with all countries in the world, does indeed have ‘a right to defend itself,’ which helps if it actually had ‘defended itself’ in the first place before 7/10.

This means fully manning defensive positions, constant patrolling by heavily armed units between the strongpoints, maintaining constant readiness and vigilance, and having the ability to instantly deploy both reinforcements and fire from support weapons. An obstacle is only such when covered by fire and observation.

Nothing less will do, if you want to keep your border secure, especially if on the other side are, according to Douglas Murray, two million people who are all equally determined to obliterate you and everything you hold dear. Minimum manning 'coz the IDF don’t like stagging on (see also the breaching of the Bar-Lev line and loss of positions in the Golan in 1973) combined with happy thoughts aren’t a substitute for boots and tracks on the ground. :roll_eyes:

Funnily enough, lack of credible defenses ensured that the Falkland Islands got invaded back in 1982: Britain’s only war since WWII where our enemy committed no atrocities, and both sides observed the Geneva Convention. But then we are both Christian countries, whose national religion doesn’t preach revenge. It wasn’t either a civil war (N Ireland) or a racist one (Nazi Germany and allies Vs Soviet Union) otherwise that theory of mine wouldn’t hold up. :thinking:

It’s really hard to tell with her to be honest. I would not be surprised in the slightest if this is all deliberate. Inflame tensions, encourage ‘counter-protests’ by groups that can be almost relied upon to be violent to either a) the protest, or b) the police when the police try to prevent them from doing a).

Then, on Sunday you get to blame the violence on either the original protest, the failure of the commissioner to stop it, or, the “weak” laws which we can then fast track into changing to further restrict the right to protest.

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Or, more likely, a combination of all 3.

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Maybe, hard to blame the commissioner AND the laws, but they’ll probably try.

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Depends what they want to do with the laws I suppose.

I certainly hope so.

Let’s just get that straight. If the far right turn up and get violent, you’d think that it would be fair to blame the protesters for what, providing the far right with something to be mad about?


Ten pounds on this one please


Struggling to see what more restrictions they can put in place that the Police would actually use. They aren’t even asking for the procession ban to be implemented this weekend. So aside from taking that away from the Police (which they wouldn’t get through in 12 months) or adding the ability to ban a static protest what else is left? Section 12 and 14 plus aggravated Trespass already cover everything the Police need/want.