Israel and Gaza 2023

Cue blissfully ignorant GOP politicians crying “I’m not an anti-racist!”

So as predicted Section 12/14 conditions in place.

What I didn’t see coming is the Section 60, will be interesting to see what the footprint for that is. I bet the right wing will sulk when they are searched under it and all found to have Coke on them. (Hilarious the BBC selling Section 60 as really good, makes a change from it being called a racist power with no accountability.)

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I don’t see S60 being mentioned in that link. As I’m not involved with the police or criminal justice system, what am I missing?

“Senior officers have signed off the use of powers to carry out widespread stop-and-search operations, and to compel protesters to remove masks.”

That’s Section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, give the Police the power to search anyone in the locality for weapons without any need for further grounds and when authorised the power to make you take off any face covering that is being used to obscure your identity.


What’s a ‘dispersal zone’? And why is it just in Soho?

Section 35 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. Gives a PC or a PCSO a power to exclude you from an area for unto 24 hours to prevent people being harassed, alarmed, distressed or the prevent crime/disorder.

It’s not just Soho, it’s the whole of the West End from the map.


What’s the significance of the west end in this context?

No idea, I wouldn’t be shocked if it was a weekly S35 put in by the local Borough for the usual night time economy stuff.

Either that or their must be some Info/Intelligence behind it.

‘Intelligence and ISR’ triggers me enough, given that it’s what the I already stands for, but ‘Intel/Intelligence’?

Typo, should’ve been Info/Intelligence

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“ISTAR targets”

So what a shocker, Armistice disrupted by the right wing kicking off, not a pro-Palestinian in sight.

I wonder if all the ex-squaddies talking large about what they would do if the Palestinian groups tried to disrupt it felt the need to fight the far right?

Says a lot when even the Daily Mail can’t find anyone on the left to blame


Photographs showed protesters unfurled banners reading ‘it’s not Pro-Palestine, it’s anti-British’ during the two-minute silence. No pro-Palestine protesters were anywhere in sight. As it came to a close, protesters chanted ‘England, England’.

A bunch of morons. I would 100% rather be amongst the the Pro-Palestinian protestors than with that lot. It really is a load of the far right out looking to have a fight. The exact mentality some people on here have had.

It’s disgraceful.


As a veteran, it absolutely infuriates me to see groups like this try to claim a connection to the Armed Forces.

They’re clearly just thugs from the “Almost Joined Brigade” and every single one of them needs to get in the sea.


So 2 from the right Wing in custody so far for possession of offensive weapons (knife and a baton) and a large group who were involved in disorder currently bubbled near Parliament Square. (All from Met Twitter).


I’m so glad they were there to defend the solemnity of the service…


The same people who were saying they’d be mad if the police didn’t come down hard on protestors this weekend are now mad that the far right protests have been squashed.

As if I am surprised


It’s BLM all over again, but with the added fact that these protestors haven’t done anything to any statues in London and were t even going to Whitehall. (A BLM numpty had tried to set fire to the flags on the Cenotaph).

Regardless of whether we agree with a stance or not, everyone in this country has the right to protest. That’s an essential part of UK society.

No-one has the right to break the law during protest, although sometimes it’s necessary. You need only look at the Suffragette Movement, Indian independence movements or the campaign against Apartheid.

The current Palestine protests are, at the minute, proving that not every protest has to break the law. Admittedly, the marches will likely achieve no practical differences for Gaza. Meanwhile, the EDL and other far-right groups actively work to break the law at every “protest” they undertake.

If anything good has come from Enoch Braverman’s comments, it’s that the vast majority of sane people have seen through them for what they are; an attempt to criminalise the protest of causes that the Conservative Party disagree with whilst actively supporting criminal elements choosing to violently oppose the same causes that the party is trying to halt.

There may be rivers of blood in England, but be under no illusion that it will be the far-right thugs we see today at the source of them.

EDIT: Sorry for the ramble, but I wanted to get that off my chest.