Is the RAFAC in a death spiral?

Pathetic is the word


YES. End of discussion.


Turbo would like it known that the contents of this thread further support their assertion above.

I would like it known that sports talk specifically (and especially where directly related the IBN that birthed that thread) belongs over there and not here :slightly_smiling_face:

I also offer my apologies to Turbo for continuing the conversation here even after they said it was the end of the discussion. But you asked for this, so…


The RAFAC as it was - Yes but then I’m sure every decade or so that happens.

The RAFAC in general No - for my area of the world at the local squadrons we are just seeing increases in cadets, higher attendance rates, and more people going on more (local) activities

What might kill us is the lack of CFAVs and burn out. There isn’t balance at the moment of how we manage the staff - the absolutely is people in the middle but a large portion either fall into the disillusioned and should probably leave as they can only see the negatives, or they are Uber keen and try and do too much and burn out.

I know I’m starting to fall into the Uber keen / burn out because I see so many of the negatives and feel I over compensate to make sure it doesn’t impact the cadets. I’ve caught myself a couple of times and physically had to tell myself stop or you will kill yourself you have a life outside of cadets as well.

It’s the staff we need to look at, there will always be the cadets in one fashion or another no matter what we do with the activities, even if we stopped all Region/National and even to some extent Wing events, Squadrons would survive if we can sort our staff out. What kills squadrons is no, ill or bad staff


As someone involved for nearly three decades I can’t think of a worse downturn.

In the past we had change - paper based exams to online, ‘professionalisation’ of the RAFAC through more staff training and awarding of NGB qualiifcations as oppose to in-house ones. The ‘professionalisation’ of the RAFAC between about 2000 and 2015 was much needed, but I now fear we are going to far and turning the RAFAC into a business where all some people are interested in is the bottom line.


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Is it photoshopped? If not, it’s a perfect visual representation of the RAFAC’s decline since 2014.

Not photoshopped…

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That’s why I posted it in this thread. A picture paints a thousand words!

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I’ve just found the following Facebook comment that explains the picture.

We were tasked to remove 40 of the Grobs from Little Rissington as the RAF wanted the hahgar back. We had a small window to complete the move. We managed to find storage for 20 out of the 40 Grobs. I asked d Kemble if I could store some out side until I could find more storage and they wanted £ 135 a month per aircraft. I made the call and picked the best ones. Stripped everything from the others and scrapped them. I will do my best to get them into the air. I still think with a 916 and a hook, they will make good tugs. Most of them have over 6000 hours on them, it is a great shame but it gets very expensive trying to store 40 aircraft.


No it’s not photoshopped they have been given to Air Salvage International (ASI)

Not even a cockpit section made available for local sqns to mock up into a sim.

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Never going to be airworthy now. Will likely end up in landfill. Oh well, at least cadets have aeromodelling and Air Rec…

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Careful of the glue, paint and modelling knife; H&S, bound to stop in due course :man_shrugging:t2:


Now mentioned elsewhere.


Interesting comments from pprune in a thread which has run for years.

The interesting comment being that 621 VGS and 637 VGS are about to close down!

Any more info on this?

There is a chance that any cadet using this kind of sim could get blisters on their feet from using the rudder pedals too much, and that of course does not fit in with the new ‘zero risk’ policy, so no, they will just be buried in a big pit.


Didnt i hear they’re were getting/have had a large accommodation block built to permit overnight stays for those travelling big distances?

Amalgamated in to one unit with a new number