Is HeartStart dead?

Haven’t seen anything come through yet, but assume there will be new materials and this will be a recognised certificate?

I’ve only seen an email from my WFAO so far, but I trust that what he says is gospel :stuck_out_tongue:

ACTO 8 will be updated by the 1st of September, which is when HS ends and the new course begins.

Yes there will be new materials from SJA, and yes there will be a certificate from SJA. It’s a course that already exists.

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Will existing YFA instructors be able to teach and assess or is it a separate thing like Heartstart was?

Unsure. All I know from the email is that if you can currently deliver HS then you’ll be able to deliver the new EFA course. Currently the only requirements for that are a: to hold a 16 hours FA cert and b: to be registered with the WFAO.

Isn’t that what it was technically already for HS under ACTO 8, but the hoop of “Heartstart Instructor” was insisted on anyway?

I may not have kept up with a rewrite at some point, but I remember debating this with my WFAO before.

Yes, that is what is already required. That last bit of my post is what is needed as per ACTO 8 at the moment to deliver HS/BLS.

Good old HQAc hoops… what would we do without them?

Deliver more.
Succeed more.
Admin less.

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this was another thing that different Wings had different views on. As (just) a AFA holder, my WFAO was happy for me to teach HS with no extra specific “HS Instructor” training.


My old WFAO used to bolt it on for 10 minutes or so at the end of every AFA.


Sounds like a sensible person! Need some of those here.

Nope, special day, had to already have your other FA qual, set through the course, be seen delivering a session.

I’ve done this twice, because I “hadn’t run a course” for so long, despite running YFAs and assisting HS but without my name on it, plus the little not a formal course sessions.

Oh and even now, after doing the “refresher course” they want to see a session.

Blooming empire building, micro-managing, rah rah…

and Wing Staff wonder why people leave the Corps… :roll_eyes:

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Wanting to see a session all sounds well and good, and I could see why the wing SME might want to ensure the quality of teaching is to the required standard…


Given the amount of subjects we cover and the time suck that proving your teaching skills takes in each subject, it just stops courses being delivered.

We have a very reasonable methods of instruction course… if staff have completed a staff version MoI then we know they can teach, so it’s just a case of introducing the specific material… especially considering they will have completed the training themselves already so should see how the course should be run.

There should be no need to check the standard or watch a session as we know they ought to be a good instructor having completed the generic MoI.

Given that we generally are given the materials too, slideshows/suggest activities etc we are not even trusting the staff to build their own course. Simply deliver the lessons.

Surely doing this would save a lot of time and “check ins” that serve no real purpose other than to hinder the roll out of cadet courses and irritate the staff…?


Really pleased to see a no nonsense, straight forward, email from our regional first aid officer…

New materials are here. Bosh.
New tg for ordering badges here. Bosh.
Squadrons can approve first aid training. Bosh.

Get on with it.

An easy transition to our new course.

That’s how it should be done. Credit to the team!


That’s great to her, I’ve often found FA to be quite Empirey so that sounds really refreshing.


Followed up by a very straight forward email from our wing first aid officer outlining the requirement for joining the train the trainer team…

Very coherent and straight forward also.

Please let it continue!

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Now announced on social media too

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