Incoming Region Changes - ASTRA

Unless there is something else for a Gp Capt to do, I can’t see an easy, pension enhancing job for the boys/girls being allowed to disappear.

Is there a link to this on Bader anywhere? No Comms for me yet.

Two links at the top of this thread. One in my post and one in @themajor’s post.

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Thanks - sorry was scrolling through this last night and earlier today whilst at a wedding and multi tasking isn’t my strong point.

I have re-read the documents again today.

None of it provides me any confidence that OUR organisation is headed in a desirable direction.

Even statements such as ‘modular learning… by 2035…’
I’m sorry, by when?!

AOC22 nails it when he says that RAFAC volunteers are not recognised or rewarded and frankly treated like dirt.

Nothing in any of this makes me feel this will change.

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Easy, tiger…

My reading of the letter is that the TEST teams will work for the RC, not that the CCF units will become part of the Region. Remember, they are part of their Contingent, which is in turn part of the school. Wg Cdr CCF is not the CO.

Was it that boring :rofl::rofl:

Haha no it was good overall but a fair amount of waiting around. Checking ACC is part of my routine along with checking emails and socials!

My reading and most others seems to be the opposite.

“To address this imbalance, and to help improve equality of opportunity for all, we are changing responsibility for CCF(RAF) sections to the Regional Comdts, creating a unified command structure.“

That to me says CCF join the Regions as extra Squadrons.

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I think the CCF(RAF) are going to be a halfway house. We will come under the RCs rather than Wg Cdr CCF but we won’t be fully fledged members of the region in the same way that the ATC are.

I think that is similar to the ACF in that divisions oversee both ACF and CCF(Army) under the same Colonel but in a slightly different way.

Though I may be wrong, the letter was limited in detail.

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I think the Commandant has looked at the ACF and gone “yeah that works”


The overall problem with this is the time frame. From my records there has been “strategies” 2008-2018, 2013-2020, 2025 and now this, none of the originators were around to see the end. The only thing that happened in the lifetime of the instigator was the LASER Review which was a cluster.

Why can’t things like this be time framed so that the people initiating are still in position and able to answer for the outcomes or lack of them as laid down and not long gone, before it even really gets going.

There is no mention of costings or where the money will come from. Every strategy is

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A recent wedding, had an improvised cadet sector meeting in the corner… Lots of cadet chat, and lots more drinks. Lol

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Is that a contradiction in terms?

How about this

I’ve no idea how this aligns to Wings, but the key is driving improved infra support, the number of OC Wgs / WEXOs an RC has reporting to them shouldn’t make a large impact on them.


My guess is this would make the numbers of cadets/staff in your proposed East Region significantly larger than other regions?

And why would that matter?

Especially if we don’t resume the Inter Region activity that pools cross wings…

You could obviosuly push East Midlands into “North”


It ain’t rocket science!

The geographic size and travel times would have more impact than the number of Sqns or cadets. Gold courses will usually run at Region level, so feasible travel is more important than whether there are 6 or 8 Wings.

But if we go to a regional course we’re already looking at getting a coach for the cadets, so it’d make little different if it went from 2 hours away to 2.5 hours.