Incoming Region Changes - ASTRA

No, not a democracy, but the leader needs to be informed to make the best decisions. A consultation might reveal considerations not yet seen. It’s not an opinion poll or a vote.


There was an “and beyond” in there, too. Timings haven’t been bound afaics.

Oooo…… You’ve just opened a can of worms, some people think it is :roll_eyes:

Change can be good. If something is broken, fix it. Some may say “it’s not broken”. I prefer “it’s held together by chewing gum”.

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No consultation that we know of - I’m not saying he has or hasn’t consulted people but if we’ve not heard a peep of how this is going to work or when this is actually going to happen then if he has consulted people, he’s not consulted anyone that might have an idea of how this works at the coal face. I’m all for change, where change is needed but it needs to be done for the right reasons and in the right way.


These changes won’t make much difference at the sqn level. You may change Wing and or Region, but essentially just carry on doing whatever.

Until they get rid of your committee and put RFCA in charge of your funds.

Or they disband your Wing and you lose your centralised training teams. (Which depending on your Wing can be good or bad).


Other thread :wink:

This could certainly be bad for some people. If you have a wing that has a really good AT team, or a really good NCO training team, and get moved to one that doesn’t. However the problem there is the wing that has poor WSOs, not the fact that you were moved!

Is there not also a possibility that individual squadrons could move regions at the borders?

What the problem is doesn’t help the poor sod’s who have been moved!

Definitely possible. Although it really depends which way they go, Super Regions would make it less likely than going the other route. Although there would still be 1 or 2 in each area that wouldn’t fit.

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It’s all “ifs and ands”, until there is come meat on the bones, it’s all just speculation on our part. If you are a worrier, chill. Frankly there is the Sq Rt of sod all anyone can do if it affects you. But unlike a similar thing in real world, you aren’t going to lose your job.

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There will still be the six Rgns but some Wings are moving and some are being split. It will see some Sqns move Rgn with the rest of their Wing. It will see other Sqns changing Wing. Others (most) will be effectively unaffected.

The CCF change is the one I see being most impactful, with Rgns gaining 40+ Units in some cases.

Is there a source for that or is it rumour?

Source is linked in Post #1 a letter from the Comdt to all Staff (Volunteer & Permanent) that has reached ACC before the majority of us

It says that the 6 Regional Boundaries don’t aligned with RFCA and that Regional boundaries will be adjusted to match RFCA boundaries, it doesn’t say that we will retain 6 regions.

Also the recent announcement of the retirement of the RC for Central and East makes me question whether we will keep 6 regions.

To align with RFCA that area plus LaSER will need either massive change (breaking up and merging wings) or it could be one massive region of 10 Wings.

How many people have actually had this emailed to them? I’ve still not. Only seen it via W&Ws SPOL page.


I had it emailed and had an email from the Wing CO less than 24 hours later.

Mine came Rgn → WExO → OC → Me. Finally arrived yesterday evening.

A first class stamp would have been quicker.

No Comms, and my unit is one that - if the discussion here is correct - will move wings