I Need Advice on Planning a Successful Fieldcraft Weekend for Cadets

Hey guys… :wave:

I am currently in the process of organizing a fieldcraft weekend for our squadron, and I could really use some advice and tips from those with more experience in this area.

This will be the first time I’ve been responsible for planning an event like this, and I want to ensure it’s both enjoyable and educational for the cadets. We’re aiming to cover basic fieldcraft skills such as navigation, shelter building, and camouflage techniques. I also want to incorporate some team-building exercises to help strengthen camaraderie within the squadron.

However, I’m a bit unsure about a few things:

  • What activities have you found to be most engaging for cadets during fieldcraft weekends? Are there any specific exercises or games that have been particularly successful?

  • What are some key logistical considerations I should keep in mind? For example, managing time effectively, ensuring safety, and catering to different skill levels.

  • What kit should I make sure the cadets bring? And how do you handle situations where a cadet might not have all the necessary gear?

  • How do you prepare for and manage adverse weather conditions?

I also check this: https://forum.aircadetcentral.net/t/need-band-experts-for-advice-on-fife-flutsalesforce-dev But I have not found any solution. Could anyone guide me about this? Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I’m eager to make this a memorable and beneficial experience for the cadets.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Respected community member! :blush:

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So firstly, are you a qualified fieldcraft instructor, or will you have a qualified fieldcraft instructor?

Fieldcraft isn’t an activity you can just pick up and create your own syllabus for. If you’re not an instructor, you’ll need to work with one to help organise such an event.

If you are qualified, then I’d have a good read though the new blue and bronze syllabus to get an idea of what to do.


Are you a Cadet or CFAV?

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To quote the legend that was Meatloaf “you took the words right out of my mouth”

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Say potato if you’re human.


Bio aims towards CFAV, but I could be wrong :man_shrugging:t2:

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I share @Baldrick’s suspicions, although ChatGPT’s response to that challenge is “Potato!”

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