HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

We were discussing this at work the other day as one of my colleagues has already had it added to his name badge and is wearing it. We decided he was a clown.

Nothing wrong with ordering it in preparation and generally once you’ve been told you can wear it, but wearing it before you’ve been told 100% you are getting it is just sad.


I suppose if the official release details have you unambiguously qualifying (especially if you got any preceding jubilee medals) and the date has passed, you have indeed qualified.

It’s unusual in that the DIN is coming after the event and JPA hasn’t been updated accordingly.

At this point, does a DIN change whether you are correctly dressed either way (genuine question)?

When you say adding to medal bars or adding to name badges, what’s the context? Can’t see regular service personnel rushing to add to anything bar miniatures for dinner nights.

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Myself & my colleagues reached the same conclusion.

Please explain for the thick ones here like me.

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I’ve seen some police wear pin on ribbon bars on their body armour.

So perhaps that’s what’s meant?


I think it is a police/emergency services thing. This is an example of what we’re talking about.


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We aren’t allowed to wear them on Body Armour unlike other forces, but we are required to wear Velcro name badges, so increasingly people are getting their own name badges made with their medal ribbons embroidered below their name.

This is a colleagues one.


Is there a vomit reaction? :rofl:

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We should get something on those lines for PCS blanking plates

I think they look alright, especially once on the uniform, it’s just that a couple of the people who have them are cretins that you wouldn’t want to be associated with.

If they continue to proliferate and management don’t crack down on them I would consider getting one.

Yeah, don’t disagree with the practice.

Just that is normally the case.

Why do people need or want to wear ribbons or medals in normal daily life?!

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You mean you don’t have your miniatures on your PJs?

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Drawn in paint by Michael J Fox?

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Police Uniform only changed from Tunics as standard patrol uniform in 1994 so there is a long and recent history of wearing medal ribbons in day to day uniform.

Also the demise of wearing tunics at most ceremonial events (lots of forces don’t even issue them anymore) means that some people don’t get to wear them ever.


It’s the people who wear the medal pin badges on their lanyards that confuse me (although I have seen worse)

I have seen a veteran owned company that markets wristbands with your medal ribbons in it.

Do they do stickers too?

Also we are unusual (I think) among NATO countries in not wearing medal ribbons on the shirt. We don’t have to go full US but it’s us who are out of line rather than them.

This? Medal Ribbons Patch Turn Your Military Medal Ribbons Into an - Etsy UK


Saw a photo of CDS and another in the background in whites wearing ribbons on their shirts.

Looked slick.