HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal


Its in your name sake…

I do also agree, but wouldn’t call it cheap. Just ‘unofficial’ in terms of external recognition.

In 10 years as a CFAV and 5 as an Officer, I’ve had 2 RC Commendations and a Lord Lieutenant Commendation.

I think the first RC one was the one that means the most, at the time I was pushing an activity forward for the wing, but I wasn’t doing it for an award I did it as I enjoyed it.

Now, as an OC, comments from parents are much more valuable to me, I’m not putting the commendations on my CV (should I be??)

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No, I wouldn’t put a RAFAC commendation on my CV. But I might put a LL award on there!

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Funny how some are saying how they value a Lords Lt Commendation; wasn’t long ago when quite a few didn’t want anything to do with one!

It’s the top end of paper awards…

A medal. Even bem… is worth a billion more.

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So not quite a Food Hygiene Certificate then?

Sorry let me rephrase…

All.paper only awards are food hygiene.
Just that the LL is the top guff.

Depends are you comparing it to a BEM or a Commandants Commendation?

:metal: Exactly my point

I’d take a word of thanks from a parent or guardian over a certificate or gong any time. That’s the recognition that really matters


Interesting. So, would you be happy with a Lord Lieutenant’s Commendation (aka Food Hygiene Certificate) or not? Genuine question.

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If it was recognition for something I’d done for my cadets above and beyond, of course. Rather more than a gong that is given out for just happening to be in a uniform at a particular point in time.

Mass produced certificates are just like junk mail, after a few days on the fridge end up in the recycling.

A thank you from an ex cadets who’s done well in life it’s worth more.


Very true

I took on a sqn OC role with no training and only having had a week in uniform. I did this to prevent the sqn closing which it would have otherwise. There were many issues to fix, as this was straight after Covid and the previous OC had done nothing with the unit during the pause.

CoC didn’t even say thank you. They did, however, keep pestering for paperwork and not answering my questions properly when I was stuck on finding answers.

The lessons I quickly learnt was that CoC don’t reward people willing to put themselves under pressure to help cadets.


I bought all my Civ Com, CI’s and uniformed staff who didn’t get the jubilee medal a platinum jubilee coin, with their rank and the squadron number on. I also got a coin box to hold said coin. This was the box:

I’ve also done the same for the coronation: COR703 - King Charles III Coronation Black Deluxe Coin/Medal Presentation Case | Running Imp - Running Imp

Didn’t cost much in the grand scheme, and was worthwhile recognition for my staff team who work their backsides off.

The idea came from the Fire Service I work for, who also awarded coins to all civilian staff who wouldn’t be receiving the medal.


Where did you get the coins from?

Same place, used an insert to make them fit