Heavyweight Trousers

I was recently told by our WWO that we are no longer able to wear the heavyweight pattern No 2 trouser.

Is this policy or even common knowledge, as I’ve not seen any official statement to back this up.

He’s probably jealous because he hasn’t got a pair and has to press the current pattern everytime he takes them off the hanger.
I won’t be giving up my proper weight trousers anytime soon.

The heavyweight trouses (called medium weight at the time) were replaced long ago so are technically obsolete.

But who gives a toss?

You wear you can get hold of…

It sounds like someone wanting to put ‘his stamp’ on something while talking out of his hoop. As lomg as they’re serviceable, and fit properly, wear them.

Indeed - the pattern is obsolete, as is the crew-neck jersey but the ACO does not have the same requirement to wear current-pattern uniform as the RAF do so they are fine. So long as they are servicable and tidy then carry on wearing them.

I personally prefer the current issue medium-weight trousers.

I like the current medium weight for general wear.
I didn’t think there was anything wrong with the last pattern they’ve just replaced to be honest, but these new ones do seem to be more hard wearing.

But I’ve still got my heavy trousers. I reserve them for any time I want to look smarter in No 2 because the current pattern, being that much lighter, do blow around a bit outside.

I find the question “show me where that is written down” quite helpful when dismissing that type of peener.

I think I will leave him to his own opinion, locking horns over this on will only make me more unpopular than I already am, and I stand the risk of it turning really shirty :wink:

Have you ever thought that doing as you are asked by the person with responsibility for enforcing dress regulations might be the better course of action.
Given the length of time they have been obsolete it is quite reasonable, of course you could have continued wearing Battle dress as well.

Or if we’re keeping things relevant, standing the risk of it turning really trousery?

Thanks folks, I’m here all week! :whistle:

TBF, I can’t remember the last time I saw a pair of heavyweights which hadn’t faded to Gandalf Grey

Ahh but then they match my “ex-cadet” beret that I was issued 10+ years ago all the better!

Wearing old grey uniform is grim. People should have more pride in the uniform they wear. Examples I’ve seen just this weekend include Officer braid that is now grey & green, grey worn out trousers, nearly white shirts and fraying belts.

Why do people insist on wearing kit past it’s “use by date”? It makes them look a fool. The term “Crusty Old Flt Lt” didn’t come from nowhere.

Heavyweight trousers and grey berets come under my description of gash.

There’s a significant difference between wearing an item of uniform that’s aged to the extent that it’s unserviceable and wearing a perfectly serviceable piece of uniform that happens to be a very slightly different pattern to the current one.

The battle-dress argument is a something of a straw-man; the uniform mode is obsolete and therefore isn’t worn, whereas No 2 trousers are No 2 trousers.

Should we bin all of the jeltex jackets? And all CS95?

Matt B,

I pretty much agree with you. However, I’d argue that since heavyweight trousers haven’t been issued for the best part of a decade they will almost exclusively be worn out. I’d suggest anybody wearing them compare them with a new set to view the colour difference.

Probably, but then why say that heavyweight trousers aren’t permitted?

Why not just tell the chap in question that his trousers are worn out and that he needs some new ones?

[quote=“MattB” post=4548]Probably, but then why say that heavyweight trousers aren’t permitted?

Why not just tell the chap in question that his trousers are worn out and that he needs some new ones?[/quote]

I never said they aren’t permitted.

On a related issue, can WOs tell staff that their optional purchase items need replacing? I know a Sqn Ldr in my last wing who’s chip hat was disgusting.

[quote=“the fixer” post=4553][quote=“MattB” post=4548]Probably, but then why say that heavyweight trousers aren’t permitted?

Why not just tell the chap in question that his trousers are worn out and that he needs some new ones?[/quote]

I never said they aren’t permitted.[/quote]Yes I know - I was referring to the WWO in the original post.