Heavyweight Trousers

They probably couldn’t tell them that it needs to be replaced…they could tell them that it’s no longer fit for wear. If they wish to replace it with another that’s up to them.

For clarity.

They are not faded or shiny, I also have two more pairs for replacement that are unwarn. I was never issued trouser and other kit due to shortages at parent station.

I was told they where not current issue so shouldn’t be wearing them.

Maybe he was just pulling my leg :wink:

If he’s that desperate to get your trousers off you I’d be worried… :wink:

Wait, what?

Are we back to the V-neck again?

Have you been living in a cave?

If we’re back to the V-neck then apparently so!

So it went from

Ribbed V-neck
Knitted V-Neck
Ribbed Crew Neck
back to
Knitted V-neck ?

I’ve heard that they’re bringing out a blue-grey mens’ cardigan, especially for those ‘of greater years’ among the WO & SNCO cadre. Apparently, it’ll have pockets for pipes and tobacco, and other aged accoutrements and it’s planned to be compulsory dress in many Sgts’ Messes.

I’ve heard they’re just recycling WAAF Maternity Cardigans as they fit the rotund shape better than a wooly pully!

I’ve heard they’re just recycling WAAF Maternity Cardigans as they fit the rotund shape better than a wooly pully![/quote]

and don’t forget the Mess slippers!

Maybe people shouldn’t wear old pattern uniform, but if it’s still servicable why not? In these days of austerity should it not be applauded rather than taking a spendthrift approach?

I think a more poignant question is why do they keep changing the “pattern” / colour / material of uniform items, it’s not like it’s a fashion parade.

I’ve got 2 short sleeve shirts in their packets, they are slightly different colours with slightly different buttons, the pedant might say bin one. My two long sleeve are different to the short-sleeve and each other.

I have seen working blue shirts in many different colour and button colour/stye combinations over my time in the Corps. When I was doing my bit at another squadron I issued the cadets with different colour shirts from the ones I issued 2 months before at my original sqn. The second lot of shirts faded after a few washes, while my original squadron’s ones didn’t. These came from the same stores, so obviously gash quality from a different supplier.

Overall the quality of some of the uniform items wouldn’t even be tolerated by Primark. I think the new trousers are a point in case. Surely it’s not beyond the wit of MoD procurement to actually exercise some proper quality control. Keeping to one supplier would be a good starting point.

As a newly-commissioned officer in the 80s, my Wg Staff Officer turned up one evening in a duck-egg blue shirt! With great deference I asked him if his shirt was indeed a proper uniform one and he replied that when he was commissioned many years before (as a National Service officer in the 1950s I think), RAF officers buying their uniforms from certain tailors could choose what shade of light blue they would prefer their shirts to be made from!

Imagine that being allowed now!

If we’re back to the V-neck then apparently so!

So it went from

Ribbed V-neck
Knitted V-Neck
Ribbed Crew Neck
back to
Knitted V-neck ?[/quote]

You young whippersapper! I’ll have you know that there was a ribbed crew-neck before the first ribbed v-neck!

There were also female versions of the first two types of ribbed-neck jumper.

If we’re back to the V-neck then apparently so!

So it went from

Ribbed V-neck
Knitted V-Neck
Ribbed Crew Neck
back to
Knitted V-neck ?[/quote]

You young whippersapper! I’ll have you know that there was a ribbed crew-neck before the first ribbed v-neck![/quote]

Verily, 'tis true. And before the ‘first’ ribbed crew-neck, there was an earlier without-epaulettes version of the Pullover, Woolen, Blue-Grey, which was just prior to the full advent of the 1972 pattern No2 dress currently on issue. But that was back in the reign of King Arthur, when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Shirts were described as ‘collar attached’ (if they were), and indeed duck-egg blue could be seen overlapping with wedgewood blue for many a long year. There were also horrid ‘prison’ blue shirts, made from poly-cotton rip-stop, which were even more abrasive than the olive/khaki shirts worn in No3 (the ones you turned inside-out and shaved with a Bic razor).

The evolutionary sequence for the changing styles of RAF jumpers may be linked to sun-spot cycles, or perhaps commodities trading. One clear tendency is, always expect the unexpected (so, eg crew necks are ribbed and never knitted, but only on odd and even years), and another golden rule is the mathematical probability of senior ociffers wearing a jumper version that is n+1.5 earlier than the type worn by everyone else on parade. There’s also other mysteries, such as why aircrew tend to cling-on to crew-necks blue jumpers even during fashion-trends elsewhere for V-necks, but no truth in the rumour that if you wash a jumper often enough, it’ll change from v-neck to crew-neck (come on, if it were that clever, it’d be promoted itself by now).

But seriously: more style-changes than Mary Quant, and we all know it will change again.

[quote]There were also female versions of the first two types of ribbed-neck jumper.[/quote]Also true. Back in the days of the WRAF (so, pre-90s), girls were allowed to wear soft mohair jumpers without elbow pads, that were very fetching in design, and could bring a tear to the eye of even the sternest SWO. But we soon put a stop to that nonsense, and ensured a regulation fit!-)


[quote=“wilf_san” post=4999]The evolutionary sequence for the changing styles of RAF jumpers may be linked to sun-spot cycles[/quote] :lol:

Fear not GOM and Wilf, at this rate we’ll be back in battledress before too long!

GOOD OH!! :woohoo:

For our biennial inspection last year, the RAF 5* inspecting wore a ribbed V-neck. I asked him if it was a new pattern and he said no, he’d had it for years…


I wear heavyweight, old issue trousers. They were brand new out of the packet old stock about a year ago and are the correct shade. I won’t be changing them for the new ones any time soon.


PS the above should be seen as gentle banter :wink:

Winch, neck, Warrant Officer for the use of. Qty 1.