[quote=“RearAdmiralScrinson” post=18510][quote=“Gunner” post=18509]So let me get this straight.
You’re happy for cadets to fire full-bore ammunition on a military range even though they are not the ‘Armed Forces’.
But you think they shouldn’t do arms drill because they’re not ‘Armed Forces’.
Make your mind up, Lance-Private.[/quote]
Wrong rank, fella. And its 2 completely different things[/quote]
You’ve clearly never heard of irony, have you, Private?
Every range I’ve ran with cadets has had Fig 11 & 12 targetry. Same for a lot of RCO’s in the ACO. IIRC, cadets can fire on Stage III ranges and now firing from other positions has been introduced, they could technically - with the appropriate permissions - fire on IBSR ranges. Cadets fire on 25m, Gallery, Converted Gallery and ETR ranges together with DCCT. The only thing they don’t do is Field Firing.
Wow. I didn’t know that…
What aggression? Arms drill doesn’t need ‘aggression’ it needs prompt, timely and concise movements. You start introducing ‘aggession’ and that’s where wpns start flying out of people’s hands and THAT’S when it becomes dangerous.
Clearly, you guys in the Royal Army Sanitary Corps take it VERY seriously. I’m curious as to how you might ‘present’ toilet brushes. BTW - do you fix bayonets to the brushes?
When do bayonets get waved in peoples faces during arms drill? In all my years doing ceremonial arms drill, I never once had a blade ‘waved in my face’.
You remember correctly. It doesn’t mean that cadets can’t be trained in arms drill for ceremonial purposes. The ACO have qualified DI’s trained in Arms Drill and cadets can be trained in it again, with appropriate permissions. Get used to it, fella.
So you keep telling us.
More technical shoots? Like what? The ACO isn’t the Hitler Youth, y’know…