Gift idea for a FLT LT

@rock did you decide to use my awesome idea of the coin and maybe get it engraved on the back *to bring the topic back into focus :nerd_face:

thanks for this i notice on Q6 you have to pick permanant staff who approves clothing . Do you have to request permission from them before sending form or is it just goes to them after sent. Also im not sure which option of who would be for me which im west scotland wing and i dont see a west scotland staff member option?

yes i dont know how this turned into uniform talk lol. Can i ask what is your role in the cadets?
I did follow your previous advice and ive wrote a letter to send to cadets which most will be sending out this week but got to try hand them out discreetly with FLT LT noticing :grin:. I have had 1 parent give a contribution which was really nice which was actually a fairly new cadets mum.

Regarding the coin so that was 1 of the first things i looked at as ive seen this before as im a big collector and involved in numismatics coins etc.That particular coin i dont know where or if there would even be enough space on the back for an inscription as in the picture you will see the reverse eith air cadet logo on it.

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Happens a lot, which is why youā€™ll see many of us try to return to the topic as conversations on subjects would be all over instead of one place

About to upset some peepsā€¦

Iā€™m just a CI

Include a magnifying glass as the first gift, so they look at you confused before handing them the coin with tiny inscription on the back :rofl:

The bit that upset me is you using the word ā€œjustā€

@rock - have you picked something yetā€¦?

not yet