Gift idea for a FLT LT

why are these not already supplied to flt lt
I also wondered whats best way to go about getting a bit of money to get him something like asking parents if theyd like to make any contribution towards it but without the flt lt finding out? otherwise its all out of my own pocket really

if you think thatā€™s bad, iā€™ve got my CIC soon and theyā€™ve said that they canā€™t provide our rankslides so we have to buy our own!

Thatā€™s been on the paperwork for a while now. Our has resorted to buying :man_shrugging:t2:

Print out a few letters to give to cadets to take home explaining the reason why you are doing this and mention how much he has done to keep the sqn going for the cadets. Itā€™s just a little way of saying thank you for his time he has put in etc :man_shrugging:

Yes good idea i think ill do this and hopefully OC doesnā€™t catch on lol to the letters

thats awful things like this are ridiculous shouldnt be having to pay or provide anything of your own.

Officers have always had to provide their own uniform. When I got my scraper it cost me close to Ā£150 for re-ranking and new slides.

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Something that the higher CoC totally forget about, usually after quite a number of years after your initial issue of your No.1 and middle age sets in :roll_eyes::man_shrugging:t2::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No1s is the least of the cost as there is a p[ayment for re-ranking. But approx 8 pairs of ranks slides (Light Blue, Jumper Blue, GPJ Blue, Gortex Blue, MTP x 2, OG) and then No5s. Most places wonā€™t reuse gold braid so its a fresh set each time :frowning:

CIā€™s get a polo shirt and Jumper if youā€™re lucky. There is no way I could be shelling out for upkeep of uniform :cold_face:

Last year we got our OC a pair of engraved Lancaster cufflinks - he loves them

any pics or links?

where do CI get polo shirt and jumper from i did see somebody wearing jumper CI when was at flying recently.

get it engraved with Flt. Lt. Name - theyā€™ll love it

They are an issue item, just rarely issued.
Their unit can contact Wing to find out what the local process is for getting them.

would be the admin at wing i would contact or somebody else?

Our wing commander popped round before Xmas and after the formals, hat was taken off and coffee made and the ā€œIā€™m listeningā€ was muttered.

My turn, umm can I get a new sweatshirt please?

Ahā€¦ā€¦we do not currently have any.

So Iā€™m making do with my tightly fitting (itā€™s shrunk, Iā€™ve not got tubby) sweatshirt #Sob

Probably a good starting point.
But this isnā€™t really a gift Idea.

There is a formalised national way of ordering CI stuff now!

ACLI 204 Corporate Clothing is your friend here, this has been issued in the past few months, previously it was when WHQ decided to submit an order (or at least that is how it felt locally)

You need to fill in this MS Form and an order will be placed at the start of October

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