Flying Scholarships


The criteria for applications are as follows:

Female aged between 17 and 24 (must be at least 17 on 1 June).

British citizen and resident in the UK.

Demonstrate a serious ambition and ability to pursue an aviation-related career.

Availability to undertake and complete the Scholarship during summer 2022.

Educational achievements: demonstrable knowledge and/or experience in science, mathematics or other aviation related subjects.

Ability to satisfy the relevant medical standard to enable issue of a Class 2 Medical Certificate issued in the UK in accordance with Part Med. (The medical will be required in advance of interview for those selected).

Attend training at the Cambridge Aero Club between mid-July and mid-September 2022.

Thanks all, I was being dumb. I’ll send something out.


Young Air Pilots (Honorary Company of Air Pilots) PPL Flying Scholarships have opened for 2022!

Young Air Pilots Flying Scholarships


One of ours got a placement last year! :wink:


Almat Flying Academy - Coventry

Are looking to provide a PPL scholarship

Almat Flying Academy PPL Scholarship

Looks like the details aren’t finalised yet, but it’ll be nice before they close down Coventry airport to create a Gigafactory… but thats a topic for GMG

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Bump (Again)

Published in Flight Training News, see below list of various types of scholarships available.

though I’m pretty sure that’s a misprint about RAFAC offering Rotary scholarships


That’s it, I’m doing it; I’m forging a 3822 in my own name.

Edit: no, that won’t work considering the cadet and OC signatures would be the same. Looks like ex-cadet been-there-done-that is coming out of retirement with a mildly buffed SMS profile.

I might try my luck at a PPL scholarship this year!

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The Young Air Pilots have had a couple of additional Gliding Scholarships opportunities come available.

Please see below link for application form and criteria.

Honourable Company of Air Pilots Gliding Scholarships


Yes I know its another Livery company, but I saw the announcement on Sharepoint, I thought I’d share it here for those who might not check it as frequently (especially over the Christmas period).

The Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers of London is an active livery which is offering a series of financial awards to help young people with their career aspirations within the Aerospace Sector.

Coachmakers Aerospace Scholarships


We’re either being watched or you’re on the inside…


Wheres my commission?!?


*** DRUM ROLL ***

2023 Honourable Company of Air Pilots PPL Scholarships are now LIVE!!

HCAP Flying Scholarships

Please see the application criteria at the link above

HQAC - if you can also share it on IG/FB cheers :wink:


48 posts were split to a new topic: Issues with Flying Scholarship Applications

Thread split - this is just for advertising scholarships that are available.


Aviation South West CPL Scholarship

Bristow Helicopter 2023 Cadet Scholarships

Honourable Company of Air Pilots Scholarships

*** 3-parter ***

Reminder that applications for PPL Flying Scholarships close on 14th Feb

Gliding Scholarships applications are now open


Flying Instructor Scholarships are now open



(Thanks Moderators!)

Last week, The Air League opened their flying & gliding scholarship applications

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Breaking the thread to try to avoid future “consecutive posts” issues.


Earlier this week (21st - On what would have been Douglas Bader Birthday) Flying Scholarships for Disabled People opened their applications for 2023.

An extremely benevolent opportunity for those who might not otherwise have the opportunity.

Flying Scholarships for Disabled People