Flight Sim - Training/Program Materials

Flight Sim - Training/Program Materials

So it looks like I have the funds to get the kit. Next I better think about creating a Training Schedule/Program for the Air Scouts.

Any suggestions to get me started? Any materials I can pinch?

Many thanks

I wrote a load of Lesson plans a couple of years ago to allow my cadets to work through the ATC gliding scholarships on the Flight Simulator.
Feel free to download them and use.
I’ll PM you the log in details

great, I will have a look.

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They are brilliant. Gives me a good structure to work from.

Mine are going to be younger so I might also create a logbook which can be used to tick off their progress, i.e sign-off each stage and then for them to record extra flights.

Any particular reason you went with FSX, not xplane?

I’m glad you think so! =]
Although all I have done was to convert the lessons that already existed in the scholarships into lesson plans.

Yeah a log book of some kind would be great for my cadets as well, but alas, I’ve never found the time to design one.

I will share once I get something done.

That would be awesome.

Been looking for to create something like this, but not sure where to start! I was going to look at the link, but alas, it’s broken. Does anybody have something similar lying around?

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what did it cost the sqaudron to get the kit requred?

Are you refering to the Flight Sim training lessons?
If so I’d suggest basing on our current aviation training package and the AEF sorties

Sortie No 1 – Air Experience. Exposes Air Cadets to flying in a cockpit environment, and the principles of flight.
Sortie No 2 – Effects of Controls Pt1 and Straight & Level. Demonstrates the effect of main flying controls for straight and level flight.
Sortie No 3 – Turning. Introduces and demonstrates a level turn at approximately 30 degrees of bank.
Sortie No 4 – Effects of Controls Pt2. Introduces effects of power and trimmer.
Sortie No 5 – Aerobatics. Shows the Air Cadet a loop and other basic aerobatic manoeuvres.
Sorties No 6 – NAVEX. Introduces pilot navigation concepts.

You mean the AEF syllabus that not even the AEF follow?

Surely if people are interested and want to gain a useful understanding of flying skills - (that could benefit a better understanding when undertaking flight training) - it would be better to use a PPL Syllabus?

Such as

Air Pilots PPL Training Program

Or ask a local flying school

There is a brief list of tasks /
sorties cadets can undertake on the Interactive Hub on Bader.

They’re all done for P3D but maybe some enterprising type could redo them for X-Plane or MS Flight Sim?

A sqn near us bought this Gaming PC they have this Joystick & Throttle and they use Prepar3D v4 £47
They can also run the new Microsoft Flight Simulator £47 flawlessly online

I’m sure you could find a similar or cheaper option for a Gaming Pc with the bits and bobs :man_shrugging:

I’d like to add a simple instrument panel to our Sim PCs.

Any suggestions? Small PC screen? Tablet device? Something else?

We have a desktop set up (not a cockpit).
The instrument display needs to sit under the existing monitor but we can find a way to adjust the height of the main screens.

I’ve used Air Manager before on an extra monitor which is quite good. Comes with some decent pre-made panels. Editing can be a bit finicky but once it is setup it just works. Used on PC so can’t speak for the iPad/Androids apps but those are options.

Also used the Logitech instrument panel which are good if you want a bit of physical input functionality as well but are much less versatile. They are really expensive for what they are.

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What hardware would you use?

We just used an old monitor someone had lying around. I don’t think it was even FHD but it was still perfectly fine. Certainly don’t need anything special.

If you wanted touch control of any instruments/switches then that’s when you’d want to consider a tablet but that then relies on a LAN connection. Or you could look into a touchscreen PC monitor.

The whole setup with Air Manager was actually part of a cadet’s DT project. Monitor was mounted in a mock instrument panel out of wood with removable acrylic inserts over the monitor so only the instruments were visible in ‘flight sim mode’ but could be removed if we wanted to use the PC for something else and needed that monitor. Logitech switch panels mounted up around the monitor, all attached to a table with yoke and throttle quadrant. Worked well.


What software are you using? There are some people who have written various add ons. For example, here’s one for FS2020:

This one has 2 versions. One that runs on the same PC just to do the display, and another you can run on a Raspberry Pi to allow inputs from potentiometers too. (Potential STEM project?)

X-plane 11 for now but we have a FS2020 (on my personal laptop) for demos as it has the ‘wow’ factor.

But I’m thinking more about hardware - software is fairly simple / cheap but I need to get funding for screens/tablets or instruments

NB we have multiple PCs set up for sims but they are used for other stuff too.

Personally, I think a full hardware setup looks best. You can buy gauges/instruments like this. But it gets bloody expensive. Alternatively, you can get a half decent monitor, basically anything that is reasonably well rated on Amazon, and use a software setup for the same effect.

I would avoid anything with a VA panel though. Go IPS. Because otherwise the screen will quickly become unusable for anything other than the gauges because of burn-in.