Fitness Chat (Personal Development)

Just taken them out for a 10k. They took 3-4k to get used to them, as they have less forward roll over the toes than I’m used to, but I rate them so far.

The only thing I did note is that because they’re so wide and I’m flat-footed, they were a little loud. But that wasn’t anything really.

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Will keep my eye open when the sales start up, might grab a pair.

There is an Asics and Saucony clearance place at MacArthur glen now in Cannock which might be worth looking in, had my new Asics from there and got a good deal.

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Might have to pop in next time I’m passing through.

I usually grab some in January sales.

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Spotify serving up some old school Limp Bizkit leading to my fastest treadmill 5k in a while; almost cracked the 25 min mark but not quite.


Somehow, a completely unexpected PB (since restarting running) at this morning’s parkrun. With it being so cold, I knew I could be on for a good one but still wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it was - 4 minutes faster than any time since starting keto!

Now nearly at the pace needed for the RAF treadmill entry test for my age range. Hopefully marathon training doesn’t take too much off my parkrun pace this time round.


Looked back through some charts and figures last night. Having lost over 11kg (24lbs) in under 8 weeks, I’m now only around ½ stone off my lightest ever weight since being medically discharged 14 years ago. I actually had to go out and buy a new belt last night as my jeans kept slipping down and I’m not trying to look like I’m from the hood…

Whilst I do still struggle with push-ups due to an old shoulder injury, my overall fitness is also increasing dramatically too. This week’s parkrun PB, whilst I couldn’t really run any faster, didn’t feel like I was at full effort and when I go out on steady-state training runs I feel like I can go on for ages.

It’s amazing what losing a little bit of weight can do not just physically, but mentally too.


First proper frozen run out this morning.
Forgot how much I like cold runs in the morning.

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Tromsø has a “Midnight Sun” marathon near the June solstice, I’d love them to do a “Midday Night” marathon near the December solstice or similar for precisely this reason; running in the cold just feels so much better than running in the heat.

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Can’t out train a bad diet, but I certainly try.

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This weeks SW weigh in showed +2.5lbs but I’m not disappointed… I’ve had about 12 weeks of weight loss each week along with having some of the hardest days of my life emotionally recently (yay for comfort eating). Overall still more than 10% down on my body weight since starting and people telling me I look like I’ve lost weight which is always a mood cheerer.


This morning’s parkrun was at -2°c and felt fantastic. There was a lot of congestion at the start, otherwise I feel confident I’d have at least matched my PB from last week.

Locally, only 2 parkruns were running; the tarmac one I attended and a fully grass course about 20 miles away. Everywhere else considered the black ice out to be too dangerous.

No ParkRun for me this week, but looks like a few of my local ones are cancelled due to ice.

I was out early anyway, -4 according to Strava :cold_face:

Same for me, -5° and ice in the beard this morning!

Stunning early morning light though, definitely worth it. Needed the gloves and buff though.

Unfortunately we’ve had thick, freezing fog most of the day. Couldn’t see half the course!

Wuss😁, I just wore gloves

Edit: in addition to my normal running kit.

I had my first ever ride on the Vomit Comet today!

Went out for a fasted run, which felt good so rather than being the 90 mins I had planned, I pushed on to 135 mins. Slow & steady at over 7mim/km, but still further than I’ve managed since before I was ill in September.

That all went fine. Came home, had some water and waited about 45 mins before going in the shower.

I must have had the shower turned up too hot, because just after I had finished along came the comet! Turns out it’s fun when the only thing in your stomach is water.

Dont worry, ive decorated my front drive multiple times. First 10k resulted in a scene similar to that scene in Team America

This is damn impressive. Even if I was still running at my absolute best from 6 years ago, it would have taken me half of her time again before I finished.

I’ve run Belfast Victoria and it is a fast course, but never knew it was world record fast.