First aid badge for no.3?

Does anyone know if there is any talk of the first aid badge being authorised for wear on MTP now that there is the blanking patch to put it on?

I personally feel that it would be a wise decision as we are more likely to be in No.3’s at events where FA would be required!

Seems unnecessary to me.

I haven’t heard of any such talk - while that doesn’t mean that nobody is talking I think it unlikely that they’ll start sticking all manner of badges onto No3 dress.

Probably not the right part of the forum anyway to get the right answers!


No I don’t think it will ever happen. They’re trying to limit what can be worn on it as it is.

I hope it isn’t permitted. If we allow it, where will it stop??

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!! There he is!! :cheer:

Haven’t seen him in a few months!

But surely a Marksman badge is more prudent on MTP/CS95, most cadets wear No.3 dress to gain their Marksman Award… :whistle:

The appearance of a blanking plate is not a ‘green light’ to adding badges.
Badges were stitched directly onto the CS95 jacket before and there was no consideration that a first aid badge would be added.
I can’t see any new thoughts appearing now simply because we stitch them onto a separate piece of fabric instead.

But by that logic they’d have to sew a wing/region swimming blue to their skin/swimming costume?

Please God no!

I can’t really see that a first aid badge is ‘required’ as it’d be worn by cadets, whereas the first aid itself will mostly be done by staff! I really can’t see any scenario where there will be a casualty, and instead of simply asking who is a first aider the casualty or a non-first aider bystander will walk around looking at people’s arms.

But by that logic they’d have to sew a wing/region swimming blue to their skin/swimming costume?[/quote]

You don’t make them do this?

I’ve seen a marksman badge worn on combats once. . . by a medic. . .it was really bright and shiny and metal. . .

But by that logic they’d have to sew a wing/region swimming blue to their skin/swimming costume?[/quote]

Sew them on? Mine have to iron them on with wonderweb! :lol:

Wonderweb is amazing!! but so annoying when you take off the badges especially on brassards because you might end up having to get a new one. And DPM…don’t get me started!


[quote=“gregzy_97” post=13477]Does anyone know if there is any talk of the first aid badge being authorised for wear on MTP now that there is the blanking patch to put it on?

I personally feel that it would be a wise decision as we are more likely to be in No.3’s at events where FA would be required![/quote]

The less badges we have the better! it looks bad eniugh having a TRF and Air Cadets/Royal Air Force badge in CS95 granted it will only be a TRF on MTP but my case stands

Make it compulsory for all staff to be first aiders and no need for badges :wink:

i’ll make with the heresy - i actually think that appropriate qualification badges on DPM/MTP would be both a practical thing and that it would help re-afirm the sometimes forgotten notion that DPM/MTP is infact a uniform to be worn with the same respect and care as a set of full No 1’s, rather than, on some occasions/units, a marginally more confortable and exotic version of coveralls.

an FA badge, something for a BELA perhaps, a JL etc… appropriate, small, reasonably discrete but still visble, with a decent, distinctive but parent-service orientated TRF and rankslides marked ‘Cadet’ and it would be fine - it doesn’t need to turn into the scouts, it just needs a bit of sense. for that reason however…

Already exists…

First Aid I can sort of see, but CBEL?

I know Cold War Warriors and the Bosnia generation get a bit angsty about badges on combats (“OPSEC, wah wah, what if you get taken prisoner, wah wah”), but going back through history, combats have usually ended up badged to death in wartime because, while it’s fantastic that the enemy have no idea who you are, it all gets a bit old when nobody else on your side does either…

“Blow this bridge!”
“We’re not the engineers, we can’t blow this bridge.”
“Well, where are the engineers?”
“I don’t know. Maybe those blokes over there are engineers…”
“OiC 22 Bde, will be hearing about this…”
“Not only are we not that bde, you are in completely the wrong Corps area. The bridge you’re supposed to blow must be about fifty miles down river…”

And so on…

You’ve got a lot of experience in recent Operational theatres right?

Oh, right.