F1 Chat

So the supposed ban on smoke flares clearly isn’t going very well :rofl: :rofl:

Here come some more penalties, who knows when we’ll get a final classification

Well could get spicy.

Aston have appealed the results on the basis it everyone had penalty’s applied who should have. The stewards have upheld the protest and will update the final classification.

They’re looking at a potential 1200 incidences of track limits being exceeded…


Based on the provisional results, my fantasy team is 122nd in the world, out of 2m+ teams… 25th in the UK out of 300k+ teams. :open_mouth:




Total of 83 deleted lap times after the race.

Just madness, needs a better solution for next year.
I’m not a fan of the result being changed hours after the race.

Make that 112th in the world and 22nd in the UK now that the new rankings have been updated :wink:


That’s a unique position to be in .

Fixed :man_facepalming:

Now that is a smashing livery from Williams. With Gulf colours for Singapore as well. Has anyone though of taking the money they give their graphic design team and putting it into the engineering department?

Well the Williams are looking very fast this weekend!

There’s a sentence I didn’t think I’d ever type :rofl:


Many questions with that shirt haha.

Williams are looking very quick! Looking forward to see how they do in Quali

Checo is in a spot of bother with his drive I think …

Yep another Q1 exit

However, where did McLaren come from!!

The UK! :wink: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

Awesome quali session!

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If Danny Ric tests well he will be in either an AT or an RB pretty quickly.

Another “celeb” snubs Martin during the grid wall.

*checks Twitter…. F1 fans don’t ever change :grin: