eSports in the Corps?

No, I know, I’ve posted about my sqn enough times :laughing:

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This is a great idea to compliment some the classification syllabus… I think the concept can negate the in accuracy of physics


Drop me a line, I’ll come harass them in a Crusader sometime…

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RC(N) is inviting everyone to join a new Team on MS Teams where they can voice their views on introducing eSports to the Corps.
Teams Link

I’m still very undecided on this.

Issues in my mind are:
Parents dont want kids spending more time on screens.
Kids and Sqns might not have the kit.
Expensive and so could alienate some cadets.
Is it something we should be offering? How does it fit our stated aims as an org?

This is weighed against, is it something the cadets actually want?

Of course if we ask them…

  1. Do you want to play fortnight on Sqn as a Sqn team… they would probably say YES?

If however we asked…

  1. Do you want to play fortnight on Sqn as a Sqn team or would you rather the Sqns money and efforts were put towards accessing live firing, adventure training, flying and FT… the answer would be interesting.
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While yes, there will be some element of have and have not, that’s unavoidable, there is the potential for kids to get a lot more out of eSports than just casual play.

Straight off the bat you’ve got the tactics and teamwork to be developed, communication skills, planning and leadership.

For a very long time, the Air Cadets has been an organisation that delivers a wide array of activities, why not add one more to the list?

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Having done some Esports during the lockdown with cadets, it’s a great way to support our overall learning objectives.

I’ve used DCS World, and had a recorded fly-in, discussing airfield operations, military air systems, operational flying.

The cadets enjoyed it…and importantly, wanted to do more.

Yes, cadets will need the systems to take part. I understand that. But…what if the squadron had the equipment (yes, cost I know), and you could have cadets from across the organisation (even other Air Cadets around the world!) flying together on a parade night.

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But maybe remove some…
Syllabus is waaaaaaay to big as it is.

That’s just flight sim…

Danger is we end up with teams playing non aviation related kill and slaughter games.

Then some control needs to be made.

A list of allowed games.


I think my point was… arent we already allowed to play flight sim type games anyway?

What we are now talking about is introducing esports in general.

No. Very few things are mandatory, giving people another choice is no bad thing.

If people want to; they will, if they don’t; they won’t.

How many sqns will have staff that are comfortable with delivering it…? That alone will ensure that not every unit will jump into it headfirst.

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Just to be clear I am very much in favour of adding activities to the list of things we can do.

Stuff being added to the mandatory syllabus is a different topic. But I understand this isnt the case here.

I’m also very much in favour of updating activities to move with the times.

I.e. board games out esports in.
(But I wouldnt remove board games as an option, as it’s safe still).


Even something like Arma3 can be used to aid with Military skills training. As long as its controlled.

It’s also good to see a whole integrated system with how warfare takes place, rather than the glam overkill of COD.

From a parental perspective taking into account the amount of time kids spend in front of a screen, I would be sending them to cadets to be away from screens.

This sort of thing will appeal to HQAC as they will feel they are down wiv der kids and being indoors, sitting down, low risk, except eyestrain and RSI. IMO video game playing is for bedrooms.

this is true…

there are some units with a range, be it tube range, 3 lane 25m range or have the shooting club across the road they have access to while others don’t have anything.
some units have large car park space and sizeable “Parade Square” others are lucky if the Staff have enough room to park all their cars within the compound.

the list goes one with regards SOVs, AT gear, radios, access to “exercise” land etc some units will, and some won’t have it

Lucky to have the size, kit and finances to have a good simulator suite of 8 machines.

However, also had the foresight and working relationships to offer this out for other squadrons to use, both on parade nights and weekends.

Was always on the idea of… You break it, you bought it… For any replacement items.

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I’m not sure if this is the best thread, admins please move if not

Has anyone tried this

Looks like a retro type game from Micropose, It might work on lower end PCs.

I’m not a Steam user so can’t really check it out.

saw this and thought I would share it

The Legion Games Services Showdown’ will see senior representatives from the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force come together as team leads, on their individual service Twitch platforms, to battle it out playing ‘Black Ops: Call of Duty’.

The event will be part of a twelve-hour live stream (The Legion Games) where armed forces Esports teams will challenge each other at different games, including Rocket League and League of Legends.

Each team lead will bring decades of real-life experience from being deployed on operations, leadership and combat skill.

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Thread bump: any update on this, now it is recognised for the skills section of DofE?