eSports in the Corps?

Here here!

Also how is fiddling with an Xbox training of benefit for later life?

Especially if compared withā€¦

Map reading
Learning aerodynamics
Physical team skills
Presentation skills
Anything of the other 1000 beneficial things we do?

Mercifully no matter how stupid the upper echelons are, nothing will come of it so I donā€™t worry.

Feel free to pee your own Sqns up against a wall!


Could there be any harm in some fun natured competition as part of the overall experience?

Especially on wing competitions day when squadrons put hours upon hours of hard work in for the drill, first aid etc. This would add a lighter, more fun competition for the cadets alongside the others.

Iā€™m not suggesting replace the RAFAC syllabus with call of duty prestige badgesā€¦relax.

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You could write off pretty much everything in the syllabus fromnLeading to Master if your only interested in things that will be useful in future life, itā€™s all out of date claptrap.


Arent we are supposed to offer more than simply what some have got at home?

Teenagers spend enough time locked away in their rooms getting worked up over instant gratification wins on a game console for us to give more time to it.

@Paracetamol Yes we are, but thereā€™s no reason why we canā€™t offer it AS WELL. This is a new generation and we need to adapt our appeal. The Army has done it as @Batfink has pointed out, so why canā€™t we?

Furthermore, would this not be something for the less physically able cadets to be able to participate in without feeling sidelined.

Whether that be through physical disability or lack of ability in regular sports. Esports offers something for them to be good whilst still being part of our fantastic organisation.

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I have those cadets referee when we have sports nights.

Surely they would rather do more than referee which clearly highlights their lack of ability or whatever other reason why they arenā€™t participating?

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The only reason the army has put those adds out is because it is short of recruits.

NOT officer candidates, but 16 to 19 year old grunts who will do as told, are young and fit and can fill the rank and file with the always required fodder.
And before you get all upset, this is always the way it has been. Hence the sadly high number of zero skilled ex infantry soldiers sleeping homeless.

It really isnā€™t rocket science. Itā€™s simply a new face of propaganda.

You donā€™t seriously think the MOD believes by being a social introvert Xbox player you are the next greatest thing for the battlefield?

If you do thatā€™s hilarious!

Refereeing gets them involved with everyone. Not just sat inside with a few others.

Btw I have 2 in wheelchairs and they love to referee.
Also they smash it at rounders!

@Paracetamol I understand your points.

Although, I think you may upset a few on here with your army comments. Just because someone is not an officer candidate, does not make them a cannon fodder gruntā€¦ I imagine there are some ex army on here who will agree with me.

All Iā€™m saying is, it had potential if done correctly.

I know there are cadets who are social introverts through diagnosed medical conditions, not through choice. This will give them a chance to do something they are good at in an environment they are comfortable with, if we do not offer anything at current which provides that for them individually.

It has potential, thatā€™s what I am saying.

You donā€™t seriously think that useful skills canā€™t be learnt from playing games?

all creatures learn by playing, whether its lion cubs play fighting, a toddler playing with a gravity balls toy, or indeed a young person playing games on a computer.
They are intended to be fun to keep the interest while also learning skills.


Donā€™t take the ā€œgruntā€ thing too literally.
But propaganda is propaganda.

Bottom line. We have an army to fill.

Also officer candidates can also read, skilled educated potential snco aircrew etc etc.

You all know what I meant.

This forum really does highlight in a nutshell the pitfalls of the online world.

The Corps should really focus on stuff that teenagers arenā€™t already doing in their bedrooms; if cadets want to have a competition on an unofficial basis between units, etc then I canā€™t see an issue with it but I donā€™t think itā€™s something that we should be expending official time, effort or expense on.


Please tell the cyber specialists in the RAF that connected systems and disparately located units donā€™t need to work together and have joint goals.

eSports are an easy ā€˜inā€™ to the world of cyber comms that weā€™re now pushing, the technologies behind the networks are key to a huge number of roles both in and out of the military, and helping cadets understand this by using a different medium is no bad thing.

Or, alternatively, you can keep telling them that shark infested custard is a real thing that theyā€™ll encounter in lifeā€¦

Weā€™re talking about transferable skills, and different ways of getting synthetic training. Everything should be in scope.


As an organisation we spend a lot of time and expense on things that are a waste of time, many of which Cadets arenā€™t interested in but are central syllabus, at least something like this might actually engage the Cadets?


Ok get them to program a raspberry pi.

Thatā€™s what we did 2 weeks ago

Itā€™s just some healthy debating, that is all! I just think some may take offence to those comments, personally not myself, but others may.

If thatā€™s genuinely true then we should probably stop dong them; but I canā€™t really think of anything off the top of my head.