So Everyone moans about this manufacturer and that manufacturuer and everyone has different idea’s so i though it would be cool to have a thread that each person could give their opinions on different bits of kit from different manufacturers.
so personally for me all my small bit and bobs i like the Kombat UK stuff, you know like boot kits wash bag, trouser twists. they are cheaper than everyone else and the kit (mentioned above) is pretty good. just keep away from the boots and load carrying stuff
Webtex, milcom, viper. over riced knock offs this stuff falls apart soo fast is unbelievable.
Magnam boots are deffenatly the best if your looking for a cheaper pair other than the assualt boots.
[quote=“Operation Archway” post=11609]Used issue kit is usually superior to new un-issued kik.
Boots and, to an extent, rucksacks are the exception here.[/quote]
Until very recently I would have agreed. However, the new issue Brown Boots have been made by some very good manufacturers, and the issue 45l rucksack, made by karrimor is superb.
I would say that the webbing may be suffering nowadays, and at least with private companies you often get guarantees you don’t get with issue kit.
I tend to stick to issue kit its what I know best all my kit I have is what I kept when I left the forces the few things I have needed to change ive managed to get exchanged at stores which is lucky but the time I will need to buy stuff is coming fast.
Boots wise it all depends on how much you can spend I am a big fan of LOWA best boots I have ever used that includes the black and the sand pit type
So im gunna come clean there was a slight alteria motive for starting this thread. Im currently in the middle of setting up my own business aimed selling the non issued items of kit (boots, shoes, rucksacks so on) to the cadet forces.
The idea behind it is to only sell the kit the cadets need and not loads of other things they don’t and to make sure all the best deals are in one place.
So im just gunna ask straight out What equipment manufacturers to you guys want to see.
at the moement due to limited start up funds im going to stock Kombat uk bits and bobs and then male and femal parade shoes and assualt boots maybe patrol boots.
Personaly I find Kombat UK kit very cheap but the problem is it feels cheap but saying that for use by a cadet it is pretty much spot on lets face it how often are cadets in CS95’s?
It depends on which cadet force you are. If you only stock kit for the ATC you are losing out on a much bigger market.
If you wanted to stock decent yet low cost molle webbing I would check out I have had a bit of personal kit from the guy and he supplied a lot of kit for my detachment when we ordered new webbing. There are a few other websites that stock his kit too.
Thats what i was thinking, its very rare and it doesn’t have to be top of the line kit. plus everything im stocking im going to test to destruction before i stock it too make sure i only stock the best.
[quote] It depends on which cadet force you are. If you only stock kit for the ATC you are losing out on a much bigger market.
If you wanted to stock decent yet low cost molle webbing I would check out I have had a bit of personal kit from the guy and he supplied a lot of kit for my detachment when we ordered new webbing. There are a few other websites that stock his kit too. [/quote]
I was planning on supplying to all 3 to begin with and then move out and suppliy the CCF, the scouts(cubs, beavers), the brownies (girl guides, rainbows) eventually schools,and st john ambulance aswell. i intend to supply DofE stuff aswell as Fieldcraft stuff. but thanks talon ill diffenatly look into that site when im looking into buying load carrying stock.
And for everyone else just have a look, what do you like what don’t you like? is there anything you think i should be stocking that im not? i want to make this store fully interactive with the CFAV’s that are telling the cadets what to by, not only to help generate sales but also to make sure im only stocking the things YOU guys think i should be stocking.
testing stuff like Web-tex and UK Kombat to destruction isn’t going to take very long, its cheap(er), but its not very robust - you’re going to have a very confusing business model if you want to offer decent equipment that will stand the test of time while also saying that you’re pitching equipment at the ‘cadet level’.
personally, i think you’re wasting your time and risking your money - the web-tex’s of the world are already avilable though suppliers who can buy in far bigger bulk than you and therefore can offer it cheaper, and the stuff from Berghaus or Karrimor SF is availble from established retailers with product reviews and a history of customer service. if my daughter had just joined the cadets and wanted a daysac i’d go down the market or to ebay for a £20 cheapy, or i’d go to Cotswold or Penrith Survival for a £50 Berghaus Munro.
[quote] if my daughter had just joined the cadets and wanted a daysac i’d go down the market or to ebay for a £20 cheapy, or i’d go to Cotswold or Penrith Survival for a £50 Berghaus Munro.
sorry… [/quote]
Don’t be sorry this is exactly the information i need, bt as it stands, things that are put to alot of strain and use, (rucksacks, boots, webbing) i dont plan on stocking either webtex or kombat uk. in my aim to only supply the best kit i want to work closely with Cadets and Cfav’s like you said you would get yoru duaghter or tell cadets to get a 20 cheapy or to get a 50 pound burghuas. so you’ve just told me what two rucksacks i should look at stocking when i increase my stock range. but a boot kit.
Not really the business model is simple, for each specific product, what is the best, cheapest option. for example 58 pattern water bottles now i have three of these personally 1 issue one and two kombatuk relica’s the replica’s are just as good as the issue one (ive had them for 4 years and ahave used them on multiple camps. and camping trips and hike’s) so i know that kombat uk sell the best cheapest replica 58 pattern water bottle (for now at least). and that ill get them from there.
buying in bigger companies doesnt mean they can sell the products cheaper. if you look on my website and then look around at militarykit or cadet direct or cadetuk you’ll see i beat them on lmost all the products i stock. the bigger the company the more overheads. also as you just pointed out cheaper isnt always better.
your right but there is nothing to stop me from becoming an established supplier and from starting off on a good footing. i have marketing stratergies in place and multiple other things to help me start appearing before the competition but again that’s all to do with business.
let me put a question to you. say its some time next year and the business is up and running and you had been talking to me closely on here and through your input id started stocking that 50£ berghuas rucksack but was selling it at cheaper than cotswold or penwrith. say id had a good amount of sales at this point and you knew i had good customer service. would you still buy the rucksack off them or off me?
i’d probably stick to Cotswold or Penrith because they have a physical presence i can visit to try out the more expensive kit - boots, rucksac etc… and take them back if there’s a problem.
even if you are cheaper, you aren’t going to be that much cheaper (i’ve never, for example, seen the Berghaus Munro at less than £50, and usually around £50-£60), and that £2 or £3 that i could save by buying from you just isn’t worth, to me, the lack of a physical entity where my daughter can try on half-a-dozen different boots to get the best fit, or play with a Munro, Centurio, and a Sabre to see which she prefers in function and fit.
i think the problem you’re going to have is that parents aren’t going to buy expensive bits of kit like boots and rucksacs from an internet only vendor - particularly a relatively new vendor - and that there isn’t enough trade/mark-up in the cheaper consumable stuff like trouser twists, camcream, wooly hats etc… to give you a living.
the big boys in this market - Silverthiefs and Rip-Off Direct etc… have the market sewn-up. the advantage they have is that they are established and have name recognition, and that they have everything in one place - your 15yo cadet can order rank slides, bootlaces, wash-kits, a TRF, a blanking plate, some mess tins, an MTP shirt and do it all in one place with one postage bill. if you can only offer half of that because of the astonishing costs of stocking it all, then the cadet is just going to ignore the 2% or so that you’re cheaper by for the convenience of being able to buy everything he needs in one place, with one set of P&P.
lots of people have tried this, and lots of people have 200 BCB wash-kits rotting in their garages to prove that its not easy.
Unfortunately, if you order from rip-off direct there is no guarantee that you will actually get the item you order. I never seem to as it usually takes at least 2 goes for them to get it right, which is why I only order from them if I have no other choice!
[quote=“kahlenda” post=11628]So im gunna come clean there was a slight alteria motive for starting this thread. Im currently in the middle of setting up my own business aimed selling the non issued items of kit (boots, shoes, rucksacks so on) to the cadet forces.
The idea behind it is to only sell the kit the cadets need and not loads of other things they don’t and to make sure all the best deals are in one place.
So im just gunna ask straight out What equipment manufacturers to you guys want to see.
at the moement due to limited start up funds im going to stock Kombat uk bits and bobs and then male and femal parade shoes and assualt boots maybe patrol boots.[/quote]
Personally, I wish you the very best of luck. It’s nice to see a bit of enterprise and someone who wants to take on the big guys. I strongly recommend you take note of other peoples suggestions mind, but wish you all the success. Do you have a website?
[quote=“angus” post=11721]i’d probably stick to Cotswold or Penrith because they have a physical presence i can visit to try out the more expensive kit - boots, rucksac etc… and take them back if there’s a problem.
even if you are cheaper, you aren’t going to be that much cheaper (i’ve never, for example, seen the Berghaus Munro at less than £50, and usually around £50-£60), and that £2 or £3 that i could save by buying from you just isn’t worth, to me, the lack of a physical entity where my daughter can try on half-a-dozen different boots to get the best fit, or play with a Munro, Centurio, and a Sabre to see which she prefers in function and fit.
i think the problem you’re going to have is that parents aren’t going to buy expensive bits of kit like boots and rucksacs from an internet only vendor - particularly a relatively new vendor - and that there isn’t enough trade/mark-up in the cheaper consumable stuff like trouser twists, camcream, wooly hats etc… to give you a living.
the big boys in this market - Silverthiefs and Rip-Off Direct etc… have the market sewn-up. the advantage they have is that they are established and have name recognition, and that they have everything in one place - your 15yo cadet can order rank slides, bootlaces, wash-kits, a TRF, a blanking plate, some mess tins, an MTP shirt and do it all in one place with one postage bill. if you can only offer half of that because of the astonishing costs of stocking it all, then the cadet is just going to ignore the 2% or so that you’re cheaper by for the convenience of being able to buy everything he needs in one place, with one set of P&P.
lots of people have tried this, and lots of people have 200 BCB wash-kits rotting in their garages to prove that its not easy.[/quote]
I understand what your saying and i also understand that not everyone is going to buy off a website. but thank you for your input ill bear it in mind.
I offer garantee’s and if your not happy with either the product of service i offer full refund on the item and depending on the problem i may even let the person keep the item.
Thank you and i am taking note everytime someone gives me an objection or a problem i take note and try to find away around the problem and i do, its listed as my homepage feel free to check it out but im not yet trading.
Well, i can’t comment on parade shoes. I get mine made specially by a little chap at Pirbright. As for boots though, are you on about the issue type or looking further up-market at the likes of Lowa or Haix. If it’s just the normal issue type ones then maybe upto £30.
Any ideas when you will start trading?
I’m not a fan of them either.
However, they remain cheaper than a lot of other high-calibre boots like Haix or Lowa. As cadets rarely carry out battle marches, and I don’t mean Nijmegen and the likes, or ICFT’s then i think just for Green camps and Ranges they are fine. I still have two pairs of mine from regular service and they are great. I confess, I don’t wear them often as i have black walking boots which do the job, but this is about the Assault boot and we have to consider cash restraints et al
[quote=“Racing Stick” post=11772]Well, i can’t comment on parade shoes. I get mine made specially by a little chap at Pirbright. As for boots though, are you on about the issue type or looking further up-market at the likes of Lowa or Haix. If it’s just the normal issue type ones then maybe upto £30.
Any ideas when you will start trading?[/quote]
No no just the issue type haha, im not stocking lowa’s as you said further down there is no reason whatso ever for a cadet to spend that much on a par of boots unless they are going into a job that would eed them (can’t speak for army or sea cadets though. talon?) and well i’ve just ordered my first load of stock so i can start trading as soon as it arrives, im just trying to make a decision on the footwear im gunna order.
what would you suggest as a good cadet boot alternative then?
And what do eople think of £19.99 for a brand new set of parade shoes (m or F) and £34.99 for a brand new set of assault boots?