Drill DVDS have arrived

Merry Xmas to DI’s the long awaited Drill DVD has arrived with WWO’s

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I bet there’ll be a few wet pants around this Christmas as well as some frenzied polishing of pace sticks…

There will be tears when they see how bad some of it is!

Has this been made for the ACO or the wider RAF? And why are only DIs getting it?

RAF and ACO… DIs as it’s an aide to 818

So what about those sqns which don’t have access to a DI, which this could help?

Surely the logical thing to do would be give it to the people who HAVEN’T had to do an advanced course in the subject to make it clearer, but what do I know?

We could give them a copy but there is a risk that they’ll start doing things which aren’t quite as per AP818 and citing the DVD as authority.
Mind you, that risk still exists even if we just give it to DIs!

NSN for the bayonets - as seen on cover of DVD? :stuck_out_tongue:

It is the RAF’s DVD and illustrates fix and remove bayonets in the lesson videos. It doesn’t authorise us to use the things :slight_smile:
(nor does AP818)

Indeed. I suddenly find myself lucky enough to have two DIs on the squadron, but they’re the first qualified DIs I’ve ever seen in the Wing (there might have been others, but if there were they never shared their expertise). Consequently, issuing it only to DIs is going to be of cock-all use to very large chunks of the ACO.

(I should add that my pair are brilliant at getting out & about and helping other squadrons with their drill issues.) :worthy:

2 DI’s one Squadron in a Wing where such things have never been seen before…mmmm im guessing that’s 3 WW then.

Is this a BDFL video? If so then surely you can just demand copies direct, no need to get from Wg?

It doesn’t say BDFL anywhere on the DVDs or the packaging.

We could give them a copy but there is a risk that they’ll start doing things which aren’t quite as per AP818 and citing the DVD as authority.
Mind you, that risk still exists even if we just give it to DIs![/quote]That surely would only be a risk if the DVD is wrong?


ATF voiced concerns with some imperfections (people wobbling, feet not being precisely at 45º) but I don’t think anyone is dumb enough to think that those aspects need to be slavishly copied when learning the movements.

However the sometimes oddly-spoken and inconsistent timings, the odd command for paces left/right (and it being done regiment style), the odd Change Step in Quick Time and no doubt other “idiosyncrasies” are likely to breed if people just try to copy what they see.

It was a no cost production by the RAF media team, RAF stations got 2 copies per station, we got 2 per RWO and 2 per WWO… It does say on the disc can be reproduced.

There’s your problem!

Are you mad, this is DRILL we are talking about here!

If you allow the unclean to access the Manual, or even worse, a DVD interpretation of the manual, then they might start thinking for themselves, or pointing out that what the manual says is different to what the hallowed DIs have been taught to do, regardless of the written word.

Also some might ask why it has been written or produced so badly that there is more than one possible interprtation of the instructions for the relatively simple task of walking smartly.

Heaven forbid they might start to make their own judgements and interpretations of this sacred tome, and then where would we be?


(Please note, this is tongue in cheek. Its all important stuff and we need to make sure it is done right. That said, I gave up all hope for RAF Drill when we abandoned the use of correct english and started to SHUN everyone!)

I really can’t see how a DVD of incorrect drill is helpful to anyone, tbh.

If they were going to do it, they really should have done it correctly.