Dark Mode

I’m enjoying it.

I note only a couple of issues.

  1. When composing a reply the ‘prompt’ text in black appears a bit hard to read. That’s a minor point though.

  2. This is more of an issue… When clicking to expand a ‘replied to’ comment, such as here where Cadet04 has replied:

I get a mostly-blank white box, which means that to read the content I have to click and drag to select the text:


I found another one… As well as the ‘prompt’ text in the message box, the Menu text is also affected:


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@DJRice I’ll add that the 2nd point:

is still an issue, in Chrome at least


I’ll check again, thanks :smile:


I notice that the topics tags are very bright in comparison to the rest of dark mode. (For instance, the Football topic has two ‘tags’: “Football” and “Sport” which are both white boxes.)

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I found another issue with dark mode.

When you reply and quote a user’s post directly, you of course get the little profile image for the replied to user in the top corner. Clicking on that profile pic then expands the new post with an inset of the replied to post. In dark mode, the insets aren’t readable, because the inset box is still white, but the text has been changed to white as well.

I noticed it here, among other places: CCF Ranks Slides

Where daws has replied to AlexCorbin, there is now a little version of Alex’s Profile pic top right of Daws’ post, expanding that reveals a big white box with Neil Buchanan in it. However, in those boxes, text is white as well, and so, invisible.

I beat you to it on the 25th of August… :wink:

So you did!

DJ must be slipping for it to last this long…


Been a bit busy with real life, I haven’t forgotten!



If I had £1 for every item on my ‘to-do’ list over 5 years old…



I’ve tweaked and fiddled!

please have a look round and see if I’ve still missed anything.



Prompted for Cookies and the only option was “whatever” :joy:


I saw this… Thought it was genius

My pleasure!

It’s a new ‘feature’ I got to choose the wording

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Ahh, that’s works much better.
Thank you!

The only issue which still seems to be there is:

Though, it’s still readable and pretty minor.

How now?

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Now the light mode desktop background is purple

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yeah, thought I’d try a nice shade of Blue - do we not like that?

No thank you, the spacings between posts have also increased a lot…

Not keen on the colour personally, it also makes the border of each post much less defined.